Then I see a guy doing a slam-dunk. That's very cool, I say to myself. He wears a sleeveless jersey and he looks cute.

"Hey, let's go there." There are so many people there. We have to rush into the crowd to get to the front.

The Basketball Club.

"Annyeong. I'm Jaehyun. Join our basketball club and let's have fun. If you're good enough, you can get it to international level!" He promotes the club nicely.

"Minah, I don't see any girls joing this club." Yoojin whispers to me. I look at the registration counter and there I see a few girls signing some papers.

"Only... fangirls." Yoojin says. We go nearer to a group of girls there.

"I heard Taeyong joins this club. I want to join too!"

"Taeyong is under this club. Wah!!"

Who is Taeyong? Why is he so famous here? Like everyone literally is talking about him. And he is under this club? Nevermind I'm not joining, basketball is not my thing.

"Are you joining?" Yoojin asks.

"Nope," I say, popping the 'p' out, "too much fangirls." I shakes my head while pulling Yoojin's hand, getting out of here.

"Jaehyun-ah! Where is Taeyong?" A girl asks him. Oh he is the cute guy I said earlier. I eavesdrop, with Yoojin.

How could a girl ask a guy about another guy like who the heck does that, man?! If I were the guy, I would punch that girl in the face.

"He's not joining us to promote. Are you joining this club or not?" Jaehyun asks her, his face is showing an expression of 'i am so done with you. get out of here'.

"Yes!!" She and her friends jump like crazy. Cmon who's this Taeyong guy? What makes him so adorable because I see a bunch of girls saying his name? Taeyong?

Yoojin and I walk out of the booth and right then I make an eye contact with a guy. He is wearing a black hoodie while putting his headphones on, a drink is in his hand. We make an eye contact for like 5 seconds when Yoojin elbows me.

"Minah. Who are you looking at?" She looks at my direction but the guy is not there anymore. Huh? Was I looking at a ghost? Or an angel? Where's that guy?

"Oh, n-nothing." I say to her with a forced smile. We then walk to the next booth and to the next booth. Yoojin ends up joining cooking club and me joining dancing club. Yoojin gotta be serious, she's the one refusing to join the cooking club but ends up joining it anyway, weirdo.

As we saunter around the hall, I couldn't forget about what just happened. It is just me making an eye contact with a guy, but why do I feel something strange in my heart?


Taeyong's pov

I put my hoodie on my head, not wanting anyone to see me, especially those girls. I'm not a type of person who can get along with girls. You can say that I hate girls because I have no girl friends but I'm straight tho.

I put my headphones on, jamming to my playlist while drinking my favorite drinks, chocolate smoothie. I go near to Jaehyun's booth. I see him promoting our club with charisma.

'Why are girls so many than boys there?', I ask myself. I hear some of them saying my name. Oh crap, these girls are following me everywhere.

I change the song on my playlist and look up, just to see a girl. And she is also staring at me. We stare at each other for like 5 seconds. My heart is beating like damn crazy.

What the heck?! I have never felt this way before whenever I look at a girl but this girl is.... different?



I'm sorry for being inactive for the past few days. I'm just gonna use it as 'school' bcs university is like hella long for me to type + kinda weird 😴

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