"Want to dance?" He asked me.

I thought about it for a second.

"Sure." I said grinning.

Edward quickly made his way over to me.

"My lady." he said in a British accent.

"While thank you." I took his hand.

As we went to the dance floor a slow song came on. Edward put his hands in my waist and I had mine on his shoulders. There was different slow dance styles. It looks like Edward and I prefer the same one. I smiled up at Edward.

"I love your eyes."

"Thanks. Your eyes are cute." He said smiling at me.

"So how old are you?" I asked him. I hope he was around my age.

"19." I looked at him surprised,he looked older.

"Your only 19." I asked as he twirled me.

"Yeah, I look older don't I?"

"No offense but yeah. You look manly" I blushed at what I said. Did I just say manly.

Edward started laughing at me. Well to my defense he did look manly.

Boy around his age still had soft features. But Edward didn't.

"Is that a compliment?" He asked smirking. Since we were slow dancing his face was dangerously close.

"Yeah. It is." I said smirking at him.

He smirked and opened his mouth.

The announcer beat him to it.

"We shall now be dancing to." He announced a weird name for a dance.

But I knew how to do this. Edward gave me a confused look.

"Awh, we are dancing this dance where you switch partners."

"Oh I know now." He said. We started dancing.

"Bye." I said as I spun into the arms of an older man. He smiled we danced. We made small talk about my father.

"Nice meeting you Ally." He said as I went to another partner.

"It's Mr.Manly." I teased when I was in the strong arms of Edward again.

"Hmm I believe someone would love to see more if this manliness." Someone was flirting.

"You know I would." I said pulling him close. Edward smirked and his eyes flickered to my lips. I looked up to meet his for a second before I had to switch partners.

I looked up and stopped breathing for a second. As I meet Alex's green eyes. That had a bit of blue and gold.

"Alex!" I squealed. A couple of people gave me weird looks as I passed by.

"Hello. Have we meet?" Alex asked innocently. I have him a glare.

"Wait. Are you Hmm you look familiar ." I said tiling my head.

"You do too."

I rolled my eyes at Alex.

I leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"How long were you in the boat?" I asked him. I tried hard my best not to laugh.

"I was there for 3 hours. Then I only had 30 minutes to get ready. Natasha thankfully was already at party. When I got here she asked me a million questions."

"What did you tell her?" I asked him.

"That I was at a meeting."

"She believed that?"


"So when are you guys getting married ?" I asked casually. Even though in the inside I was extremely mad.

"The wedding is scheduled within in a month."

"Alex do you like me more than Natasha?"

"Yes Ally." He said looking me dead in the eye.

"Then why are you still getting married." I asked through clenched teeth.

"For business not for love."

"Alex! I'm more richer than her." I exclaimed. I sighed I sounded snobby but I was.

"Ally your just a kid and you and me are just. " I stopped Alex from talking.

"You know you're right. I'm to young maybe I'm taking this fake relationship to seriously." I said yanking my self from him. Exactly when the song ended.

"Ally." He called as I strutted back to my table.

"You okay?" Edward asked instally detaching him self from Sesiny and Nikki.

"I've been better." I smiled at Edward. He was the only boy I meet that would leave Sesiny and Nikki.

"Do you want to leave?" Edward suddenly asked me.

I took a deep breath of air to calm myself. "You know I do." I said as Alex approached us.

"Lets go." Edward grinned getting up from his seat.

"Lets to right now."

Edward grinned and took my hand. Ignoring the protests from Sesiny and Nikki. I said goodbye to Victoria when I passed her.

"Ally wait." Alex called when I was down the hallway.

"What?" I snapped at him when he turned around.

"Let me." I cut him off by grabbing him by the collar and shoving him against a wall.

"No,you let me talk." He look shocked. Not every day I have a sudden outburst.

"If you love me you will cancel that wedding. Until then watch me walk off with someone else." With that I let him go and walked back to Edward. I didn't glance back once.

"You sure?"

"Yeah let's go."

*A/N* Updated faster than usual. Do you prefer waiting or me updating quicker with shorter chapters?

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