Meet us! Rina and Drew

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"Hey there! I'm Rina!" ~Rina

"And I'm Drew. What's your name?" ~Drew

"Hi,I'm ___." ~You (Reader)

*Drew smiles* "Nice to meet you,___." ~Drew

*Rina smiles too* "Yeah,and I like your name,___." ~Rina

"Anyway,This is our story. How our mother died when we were babies,how we grew up without a mom-" ~Drew

"And lemme tell you,my dad and I had some pretty awkward conversations growing up." ~Rina

"You did?" ~Drew

"Anyways,now that you met us,please enjoy our story!" ~Rina

"What were the awkward conversations about?" ~Drew

"Stuff." ~Rina

"What stuff?" ~Drew

"Just stuff. Now shut up or this chapter will never end." ~Rina

"Ugh,fine." ~Drew

"Enjoy!" ~Rina

Rina and Drew's StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz