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A/N: These are just flashbacks of Grayson at different ages. Annalise's flashbacks will be next but since Grayson is the main character, I had to start off with him first. Also,Grayson is two years older than his twin brothers and Annalise is an only child for right now.

Flashback to 4 year old Grayson

I had just woken up from my afternoon nap to hear yelling and things crashing from downstairs. Mommy told me to always stay in my room when things like this would happen but today, I didn't listen. I had to go see if my mommy was okay because it's my job to protect her and the baby that was either my little brother or sister.

I opened my door and walked quietly down the hall until I reached the top of the stairs. I poked my head out to see mommy and daddy yelling. Mommy was crying and holding her belly while my daddy was standing there yelling at her and saying really mean things that I didn't like. I ran down the stairs as fast as my little legs could carry me and ran to my daddy's legs hitting them with my fists and screaming at him to leave my mommy alone. I guess this angered him because he slapped me and I fell to the floor really hard. I didn't even cry because mommy always told me that I'm a big boy now and big boys don't cry.

My mommy grabbed my hand and started walking out of the house with me by her side. She had silent tears streaming down her face but she didn't care to wipe them away. She placed me in my car seat, buckled me up and got behind the wheel. Within minutes, we were on the road driving away from our home and my daddy still screaming at us to turn around and to not leave him. Little did I know, that would be the last time I ever saw my daddy again.


Grayson at 7 years old

I am now 7 years old and couldn't be happier. My mommy had my two little brothers already and they are so adorable and cute. I love them so much. I'm also happy to be a big brother because I have to protect them and mommy no matter what. Two days ago was father's day and when I asked mommy where daddy was she started crying and walked away from me. I didn't mean to upset her, I just wanted to know where my daddy was so I could give him the gift that I made for him.

Later that night, mommy fed me and my brothers while she started to clean up. Since I'm a big boy now and have to start doing big boy things, I helped my mommy clean up the living room and then the kitchen. I got to take a bath by myself but I had to help mommy with changing my brothers and putting them to sleep. Once that was done, mommy tucked me into bed and started singing a lullaby to me.

Before I was fully asleep my mommy said to me: "Soon enough you'll know the truth about why your daddy isn't here with us. I love you and your brothers too much to lose each and every one of you. I just hope y'all aren't too mad at me when the truth comes out. I love you guys so much. Always have and I'll always will." After she finished speaking I was out like a light. I wonder what the truth is about my daddy not being here.


Grayson at 14 years old

7 years. It's been 7 long ass years since my father has been out of me and my brothers life. Especially my mom's life. I'm 14 now and my twin brothers are 12 years old. I always wondered why my father wasn't in our lives like did he just up and leave us? did my mom kick him out and tell him to not return? or did he leave when he found out my mom was pregnant with the twins? I have so many questions that need to be answered but I don't know if they'll ever be answered by the way my life is going.

Today is the second week of school and I've managed to get into four fights within these two weeks. The first fight started the second of day of school with Christopher Gordon. He had the audacity to talk about my family and why my dad wasn't in the picture. So I broke his nose and gave him two black eyes. I had detention for the rest of the week.

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