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"You can't tell me what the fuck to do Annalise. I do whatever the fuck I want."

I never thought in a million years I would say this to him but he had really crossed the final line now.

"Don't you dare fucking curse at me, Grayson. I'm trying to fucking help you here but all you want do is push me away. You're the one who asked me to fucking help you but you know what, fuck you, fuck this and just fucking forget about everything that I said. I'm fucking done with helping you. Leave me the fuck alone and act like you don't fucking know me. I'm not going to help someone who doesn't want the damn help... You're a cocky, arrogant jerk and I hope you rot in the pits of hell. Oh wait, you're already there, just don't drag my ass with you."

And that's how you do it ladies and gentlemen. That's how you make a fool out of the bad boy and leave him standing there with his mouth wide open and his face full of shock.

If only I knew what would come from my outburst the next day.

Fuck my life.

Read to find out.

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