Louis hurt- for itsgonnabemay5

Start from the beginning

Shark guy smiled at him toothily as he walked past though and Harry waved and smiled, feeling bad for judging him in the first place.

 If he hadn't been so flustered and embarrassed he might've noticed the disgusted look in the guy's eyes and the overwhelming amount of sarcasm in the gesture.

Louis' POV:

I unlocked the car with a click of a button as I drew closer and shoved the keys back into my back pocket. I wanted to make this little trip to the car as fast as possible knowing that Harry was inside waiting for me. It was already past ten, there weren't enough hours in the day to waste precious minutes retrieving a stupid jacket. Plus, I didn't want him to have to wait to long for me.

I opened the door and reached over the drivers seat to grab my jacket off the other seat. Once I had it I pulled back and closed the door, shrugging on the jacket as I went.

"Oi, fag!"

I froze, my hand lingering on the door handle. 

Oh no. 

I glanced in the car window and breathed in deeply at the sight of four guys standing in formation barely five meters behind me.

"Did you really think you'd be let off after that little show you and your girlfriend played inside?" 

I watched in the reflection as the one at the front stepped closer. My heart sped up. This stuff didn't happen anymore. Harry was the one always telling me to be careful while I always told him that things have changed, that people have accepted it now.

Apparently some people are just bloody arseholes and unfortunately for me these ones appeared to be almost double my size.

He came closer and closer and I felt the next words on the back of my neck.
"Got nothing to say? Good, it'll make this go faster," he growled.

"It's the 21st century shithead, being a homophobe isn't exactly looked up at anymore," I blurted, refusing to turn around and face the guy. I didn't want to him to see how scared I was.

He threw his head back and cackled, gesturing for his friends to come forward. 

I gulped. At least I hadn't let Harry come out to get my jacket.

"That's the problem nowadays, all you youngsters made people scared to say what they think but trust me, I'm doing everyone a favor, Twink."

 He cracked his knuckles and I winced. This was not going to end well.

Harry's POV:

I increased the speed of the tapping of my fingers on the table anxiously. Louis had been gone for ten minutes now and I was getting increasingly worried with every second that ticked by. 

We had parked just outside, surely it wouldn't take ten minutes just to get a jacket out of the car?

 I didn't want to jump to conclusions though, the idiot might have just gotten his jacket stuck in the door or something.

I couldn't get it out of my head though, the look on that guy's face.

I stood up suddenly, whacking my knees on the table. A few people glanced my way but I ignored them as I quickly made my way to the door, almost at a jog.

I pushed the door open and a rush of cold wind blew past me, tugging my hair back. I hurriedly scanned the car park. The streetlights didn't do too much in illuminating the place and I found myself squinting as my eyes adjusted to the darkness.

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