Harry hummed and looked down at his phone, plugging his headphones into it and putting them in either ear, going to his music and putting on one of his favourite songs, by his good friend Ed Sheeran, Drunk.

He closed his eyes and smiled, singing the words softly and relaxing into the song, letting it take him away, in to a world of his deepest visuals and thoughts, some good and some bad.

When the song finally stopped, he hummed and changed it to a newer song which was quickly becoming one of his favourites too, 'Treat you better' by Shawn Mendes.

Halfway through finishing the song, he felt the car come to a complete stop, and he looked up at the driver, smiling and thanking him before getting out and walking to the studio doors, taking a few photos with fans on his way there, and locking the studio doors behind him so nobody would come in.

He began walking down the hallway looking at his feet, but was stopped as he felt himself bumping into someone by accident. He immediately looked up, beginning to apologize and then stopped mid sentence, seeing Zayn standing there and smirking a little.

"Never mind." He hummed, "I didn't mean it." He shrugged and continued walking, smiling a little as he walked.

Zayn scoffed and rolled his eyes, "thanks, H. Watch where you're going." He hummed and pushed past Harry, turning around and looking at him seriously.

A few moments of looking into each other's eyes and the two of them were bursting out into a laughing fit, walking side by side into the room he'd be doing the photo shoot in, looking around and spotting his dressing room.

Harry rose his eyebrows at Zayn and made a subtle eye movement towards the door of his dressing room, trying to signify the fact that he was asking if he could go into it.

Zayn chuckled and nodded, looking at Harry, "are you gonna go to your room or keep looking at me like a freak?" He hummed and shrugged, "go get changed. Let's get this done as quickly as possible, please." He mumbled and nudged Harry a bit, sending him on his way.

Harry nodded and galloped to his dressing room, walking in and sighing softly when he looked at the new skimpy outfit he'd have to wear today. He'd get to take it home after, of course, but he'd never wear it. Ever.

He shrugged and rolled his eyes, this was his job. No matter how much he disliked some of the outfits, how much he wished he could rip up some of it or change something about any of it, he couldn't. He made a living off of this. Wearing clothing he hated. It wasn't a bad living either.

So, with that he grabbed the clothes, stripping down and putting them on before walking to the mirror and looking at himself, fixing his hair a little bit and rubbing his stomach, sucking in a bit and then shrugging, breathing deeply and walking out of his room, biting his lip and blushing a bit when he heard long, loud whistles from Zayn.

"Someone's wearing something a little bit skimpy." He chuckled and went over to Harry, patting his chest. "Looks good though H, the girls will be all over it, and I bet Louis will be too." He winked and chuckled, backing away and sitting in the chair he had previously been in.

Harry bit his lip and blushed at the familiar name, "You think? You really think he'll like it?" He whispered and looked down at himself, at the fact that you could see more skin than fabric.

Zayn shrugged and nodded, "I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a hard on from this shoot. Expect that a lot when you two meet." He laughed and pinched Harry's side slightly.

Harry put his arm at his side to cover it up and whined, "Find your own guy to talk about hard ons with." He hummed and put his hands on his hips.

"I already have." Zayn winked and patted Harrys cheek. Zayn was referring to Liam, of course, and he knew Harry would know that.

Harry nodded and sighed, "Am I modelling with ladies or gents today?" He asked and bit his lip.

Zayn hummed, "Actually, you're modelling on your own today, if that's alright of course."

Harry smiled widely and nodded quickly, "Thank god, I'm not a people person."

Zayn chuckled, "We all know Harry, believe me." 
By one in the afternoon, Harry was changed back into the clothes he had previously picked out for the day, grabbing the few things he needed to and waving goodbye to Zayn.

"Leaving so soon?" Zayn chuckled and hummed, looking over at Harry with his eyebrow raised, a small smirk playing on his face.

"Obviously." He rolled his eyes and laughed, "I didn't expect to be called in today. It's already the afternoon and we leave at seven tomorrow morning for Doncaster. I need to go home, sleep, and then pack." He sighed

Zayn shrugged and nodded, "I should probably be getting to that as well, I'd rather not be a dick when I meet Li." He hummed

Harry chuckled and nodded, "bye, Zee." He hummed and left the studio, walking to his car and getting in quickly, sighing contently once in and resting his feet as the car drove further and further away from the studio, and closer to his home.

When the car finally pulled into Harrys driveway he thanked the driver, getting out quickly and wasting no time to get inside. He decided he would sleep first, and pack later, he was exhausted.

Harry took off his boots at the door, placing them on the mat and taking the stairs up to his bedroom. In there, he stripped down into his boxers, climbing under the covers and putting on Friends, falling asleep easily shortly after that.
The photo above is what Harry had chose as an outfit, by the way.

Hello all! Another update. I quite enjoyed writing this one if I'm totally honest. Third person is definitely the better option for my writing. It's a better style for me to write in and it comes to me a lot easier.

I have such major writers block constantly, which is why I don't post and I apologize. I have a feeling nobody even likes the book anymore if I'm honest. I don't know, that's just how I feel as of right now I guess. However, I will continue writing because I've made it a long way with this book and I don't plan on abandoning that so far along.

Yesterday was my birthday! It was a milestone birthday as well. July 19th, 2013. I quite enjoyed my day. Today is my birthday party, I'm going to laser tag with my friends because we all still have our inner 5 year olds, right? 

Anyways, moral of the story is I really hope you liked this chapter. They meet soon so that's cool..! I'm so excited for that tbh. I can't wait to write that chapter. One more chapter between that!

I love you all, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading.

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