What the hell they were talking about!

"What did she do?" the third girl asked.

"She had totally embarrassed herself by saying that she knows the prince and he was the girl he was searching for, it turned out that she was lying and it was Ella after all" the girls laughed mockingly while chills ran down her spine from dread. She covered her mouth to make sure no surprised or unwanted sound escaped from it.

How did they know that! The only ones she told were...she froze for the second time- Vee and Heather! Those two bitches ratted her out! Bet they enjoyed making a fool out of her. Now the whole campus would call her a liar. That's why people were laughing at her that morning. Everyone knew what happened around Blake Rendell and that included her now.

"Pathetic. It chills me just thinking about claiming big lies like that when everyone can easily tell it's false. I mean who would believe her? She's like soo fake."

"Totally" girl number three agreed, "I mean guys really don't date sluts. They only want them in their pants. Besides, that Anna might have priceless dresses and barely wear clothes but who would even want to get in her pants?! I mean have you seen her face?"

They laughed again, "I know. You guys know that Ella is her step-sister right? They're polar opposites. Ella's pretty, smart and nice while Anna's ugly, dumb and a bitch"

Anna closed her eyes in pain. She couldn't believe it's happening again. People making fun of her. Comparing her with Ella.

Especially comparing her with Ella.

When people saw her in terms of looks, they just ignored her or didn't notice her. She was pretty average. But, when they compared her with Ella. It somehow seemed to enhance that she was not pretty.

But she knew that it was the truth, the truth always hurts. But, there was nothing she could do about it. Her throat cloaked.

She shook her head and took deep breath crying to calm herself. Don't go there. You're not that weak girl that everybody made fun of anymore. You're not the shy girl who lets people step over her and hurt her. You hate that girl. Now, girls are jealous of you, of what you have, because you have the guts, the best of things and you are confident. You are brave. You've changed. It took you so many years to be here, you've worked hard for it and sacrificed lots of things. Don't let that all be wasted away.

She opened her eyes and straightened herself, they wanted to talk about that bitch? Then she'll give them something to talk about.

She calmly walked out of the cubicle and approached them, they froze as they saw her from the mirror. She confidently strode with her 5 inch heels and washed her hands beside them. From her peripheral vision, she noticed that one girl was avoiding looking at her, the other two staring consciously at her.

She was glad she wore the high heels as it made her stood 5'11 tall, making it easier for her to stare those girls down.

She had learned that to intimidate girls more you have to be a silent bitch rather than a screeching bitch.

She turned and walked toward the door. She stopped and took one last glance at them, she was satisfied to see that they were still freezing on their spot as if she would jump on them if they made a move.

"Go on, don't stop on my account" she grinned and waltzed out from there.

Her grin was gone when she walked towards her classroom. Now she understood that somehow they all knew her claim.

They thought it was a lie and mocked her!

She had yet to meet the ones who spread the rumour. Her lovely friends.

"Hey" she greeted her friends or suppose-to-be-friends. They pretended they didn't hear her as they continued with their conversation.

"Um...hello?" she snapped her fingers dramatically between them. Vee turned and looked at her as if she was a stranger and a pest.

"What do you want?" Heather said with a scowl.

"Don't use that tone on me. Why did you guys tell everyone about my secret?"

"Please. That wasn't a secret. That was a brutal lie. How can you even show yourself after that!? You're the girl he searched for?"

They laughed. She realized that the whole class was watching the exchange.

"Poor thing. She thinks that she's Ella. The pretty sister"

That got snickers around.

She masked her expression but she was shaking from within. It reminded her of the 3rd grade.

Not this time. She reminded herself like she did in the bathroom. She didn't know how the hell she was going to prove that she was not lying. But, she couldn't get too defensive. They would prey on that.

She calmly looked around, she looked right into her classmates' eyes and at her friends',

She rolled her eyes dramatically, "Whatever" she said like she didn't care, walked right past them and sat. That somehow seemed to do the trick as they looked at her in surprise. She knew what she did. They were waiting for her to breakdown but she just did the opposite. That made them doubt that she lied. She learned from her mistake.

"What are you looking at?" she snapped with that bitchy tone of hers that no one liked.

They scattered around.

Now, for the final act. She looked at her friends and gave them a satisfied smirk, "Why do I need the prince when I was with Hunter the whole time?" her voice was husky.

Their jaws dropped. That got them alright. They were going to assume automatically that they did something naughty. But hey, she didn't lie and say that they did.

They made that up on their own.

"You're lying again" Heather whispered in shock.

"Whatever you say sweet cheeks"

Anna sighed with contentment as she watched Heather fuming red with embarrassment.

On the other hand, she just doubled her problems. She couldn't prove the socks without revealing herself to the prince, especially not after the prince met Ella, he would compare them. But, what if he didn't?

Problem #2 – Hunter probably won't be even interested enough to talk to girls like her.

Well, just when she got rid of one problem, she was in a mess. Again.


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Thanks for the reads!

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