A Looking Glass

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Like a moth drawn to the flame

What we are is just the same

Watching ourselves through a looking glass

I'm not sure if we will last


Do you think there is a rainbow

After this storm, today or tomorrow?

Should I hope? Because I don't know

Maybe yes, maybe no


Like the icy frost during winter

It felt good but at the same time bitter

Then the sun will come and it turns into mist

The nostalgic chill makes my breath hitch


The fire we have gives us warmth

To shed light where the dark comes from

But it also burns us at times

When we forgot the heat and crossed the lines


Sometimes I see how we struggle

To get away from all the hassle

But like magnets we always come back

An invisible force that always attracts


We speak with our mouths

And listen with our hearts

Crying out to let us in

But we got ourselves denying


The moth flies closer to the flickering light

Ignoring the risks, entranced by the sight

No matter how many times its wings got singed

It always comes back undeterred and determined


As with everything in this life, it must end

It is impossible, no longer can pretend

When it got closer and fire finally caught its wings

It consumed the moth as it fell down crashing


It probably didn't make sense to others

To risk getting hurt to get closer

To that something the heart yearns for

We get closer even if we suffer


After we are burned like the moth

And all that is left were dust

We still say it is worth the pain

They wouldn't understand but I'll do it again


Because they only see from half the looking glass

On the other side, it might seem things won't last

But here on my side it meant everything

Because I rather love and get hurt than feel nothing

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