"So, what happened to your chin it's red?" I had just noticed her reddened chin. She touches her chin, wincing slightly.

"Oh..it nothing." She looks away from my gaze and stands up walking towards the door.

"Alright, I need to go to bed." I stand up from the couch. "You need to leave." She opened the door, and gestured towards the door.

"Aww Blake, you can't get rid of me so easily." She raised an eyebrow. "I'm still wounded, I need to rest and heal up. Are making a injured person go out there to fend for herself? You are so cruel." I pouted, she rolled her eyes, she looked at me thinking for a bit. She then groaned.

"Fine! You can stay but you're sleeping on the couch!" She yelled frustratingly and closes the door, locking it in the process. She eyes me a bit and then walks to closet nearby and throws me a blanket and a pillow and she stomps upstairs. I chuckle and shake my head. I walked towards the couch and set the pillow and let the blanket surround me, using my body heat warm up the blanket and myself

I closed my eyes and sighed comfortably.


Yang POV

I was awoken to the smell of food. I slowly got up, stretching, and started dragging my legs towards the kitchen. I rub my eyes and sighed happily and as I enter the kitchen and am faced with Blake's back cooking something over the stove. I lean against the island centered in the kitchen. "Mmm....smells delicious." I say sluggishly.

She turns to face me, her eyes twinkling with humor. "I thought vampires only drank blood." I burst out laughing, her cheeks reddened and she looked away.

"Sorry," I paused gathering myself before I have another laughing fit. "As I said before, I'm only half vampire so that makes me half human, so I can eat food as well." She nods slowly, and hands me a plate of pancakes and some syrup.

I pulled a chair to the island and sat down and poured some syrup and started eating. "Hey Blake. "She looks up from her plate, her cheeks were puffed up and she quickly chews and swallowed. "Yeah?" She cocked her head to the side.

"Where do you work?" She stands up and throws away the remanding of what's left of the pancake and goes to the sink and cleans her plate. "I work at a café," she paused, frowned a bit," The café is called Sunflower." I nod and finish up my pancakes.

I walked towards the sink and cleaned my plate. I looked at her and she looked at me, curiously. "I'll join you!" I smile. She sighs and closes her eyes. "I bet you won't take no for an answer." I smiled and nodded furiously. She went upstairs and got ready, as did I. Then we headed out and walked to the café, it's pretty close by to where she lived.

She took out some keys and opened the café, it was dark inside and she went and turned on the lights. I looked at Blake and saw her go into the back somewhere.

She came back but now she was wearing an apron and her hair was pulled into a tight ponytail. "Yang, since you're here," I smiled a bit at the way my name rolled off her tongue naturally, I waited for her to continue, she threw me an apron,"can you help me, unless you have something else to do."

I shake my head," I'll do it." I said as I pull the apron over my head and tie it at my back.

I had met some people who work at the café, Blake had introduced me to them all. I met Ren the main cook of this café and his wife Nora who's a waitress. Pyrrha, Coco, and Velvet are also waitresses and Jaune works at the register. A few customers came in and I greeted them and took their orders and served them.

Once it was closing time, I sighed tiring. "I didn't know it was this tiring being a waitress." I said to nobody but myself. Everyone had just left, and I sat down in one of the booths. Blake placed a cup of coffee on the table and sat across from me, on the other side of the booth.

"They were nice people, Blake." Referring to the café's staff. She nods in response. I soft say thank you and take a sip.

"Yeah, they are." She smiled looking down at the booth's table and making circles with her finger. I smiled back and she looked up and smiled at me, but her smile quickly faded.

Behind me I hear the window shatter.

Somewhat edited

My Fair Lady (Bumblebee) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now