Nazgul Vs. Witch King

Start from the beginning

"I had a mission to kill the one that was precious to you, instead I fell in love with him. I love Legolas and I won't let you die because you're all that Legolas' got in his family" Lostariel said in a sad tone. She looked down and saw the King's eyes have soften "You truly care for Legolas do you?" he asked, Lostariel bit her lower lip to stop herself from screaming in pain. "Yes I do with every ounce in my body" but before they could go deeper into their touching conversation they were suddenly tossed in the air like something was bringing them higher and higher into the air.

Lostariel looked at what was bringing them in the air, her heart was filled with fear as she the face of nothing the face of her father the Witch King. "You failed me now you die" he hissed as he looked into the fearful face of Lostariel. Then all of a sudden they were throwned back onto the cliff that they fell off and was thrown harshly. Lostariel landed on her stomach while King Thranduil landed on his back but once he was on the ground the people started to tend to him, knowing the King was badly hurt so was Lostariel but no one cared since she was the enemy here the 'misunderstood' little she-elf-nazgul / Princess.

Lostariel tried pushing herself off the ground but her body was too weak, she heard feet land right in front of her but before she could look up to see who it was-- a metal foot came in contact with her face, flipping her over onto her back making her groan in pain. "I should have killed you the moment I laid eyes on you" the Witch King hissed as he tried hitting her with his sword but Lostariel rolled over making him miss and he started screaming. People in the back watched as the Witch King battled the Nazgul, they were afraid to interrupt and the King knew that their was nothing he could do since he was now weak and stood no chance against the Witch King especially when the Witch King is full of rage.

"Just like I killed your mother" the Witch King hissed as he kicked Lostariel's back making her cough out blood, people in the back flinched every time as Lostariel got hurt even though they hated Lostariel they hoped and prayed that she would win this battle. Because if she can't then no one will.

Lostariel's eyes widen and she shouted angrily "How could you kill your own wife!?" "She was not my wife she was nothing more than a pesky slave that I have kidnapped long ago who begged me to kill her instead of her precious daughter all bundled up in her arms" he said as he circled Lostariel, deciding that he should tell the truth right before she dies. Lostariel's eyes was filled with tears. "There's more, remember the first time you killed an Orc? The one I told you to kill since you were still training in fighting?" The Witch King asked, Lostariel said nothing she clearly remembered that day.

"The Orc was your mother!" the Witch King shouted making Lostariel's heart break, she was trembling and she felt even more weak. "I turned her into an Orc and she could've killed you but she chose not to" he said, Lostariel's fists were clenched to the point her knuckles turned white. Tears were pouring from her eyes not wanting to believe that she actually killed her own mother. "You're lying!" Lostariel shouted as her teary eyes looked at the figure she known all her life who she called 'father'. "And your father, it was easy killing him. he was the captain of the woodland realm I feisty one, You look just like him and you are even in the same situation he was in centuries ago" he hissed and something in Lostariel something deep down inside, something snapped.

She quickly turned around to lunged at the Witch King but instead of taking him down the Witch King whirled his flail around and it hit Lostariel's side making her scream in pain, the scream was still a nazgul scream. And soon Lostariel was thrown to the cliff wall way in the back near the Kingdom, her back hit the wall harshly. Then instead of the Witch King going to Lostariel he stomped to where King Thranduil laid, the guards around him tried to stop him but the Witch King's flail solved that problem. Soon the Witch King grabbed King Thranduil by the neck holding him off the ground, people around gasped and tried to look for help and Legolas but no luck was with them.

"Say goodbye King of Mirkwood" The Witch King hissed, but before he could kill King Thranduil a arrow pierced the Witch King's back making him scream in pain. The Witch King dropped the King Thranduil and turned around to see who shot the arrow. In the distance stood the hooded figure, he was standing on a boulder and his face was nothing but blackness like a nazgul. Some people screamed and some people gasped. "It was not the creature!?" people started murmuring. Lostariel rolled her eyes.

Suddenly the hooded figure jumped down and took out a sword and started battling with the Witch King, Lostariel quickly got up and went over to King Thranduil and asked him "Do you have a sword I can borrow?" "yes, I also have a bow" he said as he offered her his sword. "No-- I don't know how to use one" she said, King Thranduil grew confuse he should've known it wasn't Lostariel since she doesn't know how to use a bow but who shot his son and who was this hooded figure?

Lostariel started running towards the fighting Witch King and hooded figure, ignoring the pain that was coursing through her body. She then joined along the hooded figure's side. Fighting the Witch King a few minutes of fighting and trying to dodge it was clearly obvious that the Hooded figure and Lostariel was losing. Suddenly the Witch King knocked the sword out of Lostariel's hand making her weaponless and the Witch King kicked the hooded figure making him fly back and hit the hard wall knocking the hooded figure out cold. Lostariel backed up scared and frightened this was her last moment to live and she hasn't seen Legolas yet. "Your destiny wasn't to kill a royal from the woodland realm your destiny was to die just like your parents" the Witch King hissed as his sword was about to pierce Lostariel's chest but before the sword could come in contact with her chest the hooded figure quickly stood in front of her making the Witch King's sword pierce in his back.

Lostariel's eyes widen she was shock with what just happened. Who was this Hooded figure? Lostariel asked herself. but she thought quickly and rolled around towards her sword, grabbed it and stabbed the Witch King's chest making him scream like a Nazgul, and she said her last words to the Witch King

"Never again shall I be in dark hands"

she screamed her last Nazgul scream and pushed the sword deeper into the Witch King's chest making him scream and suddenly the Witch King melted or scrunged up into a tiny metal ball making a large impact throw anyone near him away. The hooded figure and Lostariel hit the hard wall and fell beside each other. Everyone cheered as they saw the black smoke coming from where the Witch King stood, he was finally dead for good.

Lostariel smiled in relief as she felt she was no longer in the hands of the Witch King. She was finally free. She then looked at the hooded figure to see that the hooded figure wasn't moving. she curiously went over to the hooded figure and she then lifted the hood, more like took off the hood to reveal the hooded figure who tried to pretend it was her. As she took off the hood, her heart fell as if it fell into the depths of hell, everything around her just faded and she finally knew the identity of the hooded figure, who was lying right in front of her lifeless and possibly dead;


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