Chapter 1

415 18 14

Elizabeth POV 

Today was my 16th Birthday and there was a ball being thrown in my honour. I wake to my curtains being opened, I was never a morning people. "Ah! Mum!" I whine as the bright light hits me right in my ocean blue eyes, my mother Emma just laughed "Happy Birthday, my big girl" she said walking over giving me a kiss on the forehead before pulling off my blankets. I groan running my fingers though my jet black hair "Mum! It's my birthday can't I sleep in!" I whine again.

"Elizabeth Cassidy stop your whining, you are a princess and you need to acted like one." Mum said holding out a outfits for me. I sigh and taking the the dress and she helps me into it. Once dressed we head for breakfast where I see my father Neal at the head of the table, he just gives me a simply smile not even saying happy birthday. 

I'd never really bonded with my father, we were just so different. I take my seat next to my younger bother Nick '13' and quietly eat. "Happy Birthday sis" Nick said with a smile which I return. The rest of the day was filled with preparation for the ball. My grandparents King David and Queen Snow where going crazy making sure everything was right. 

I needed to get out, everyone was driving me crazy "Mum, please! I won't leave Ralph's side I promise" I say begging my mother to let me leave the castle with one of the guards, Ralph. My mother never let me out without a guard, which I hated. But it was better then being stuck in this blasted castle all day, plus Ralph was one of the good ones. "Okay, fine! Make sure you are back before the ball" 

I mount my horse and begin riding into the little village with Ralph close behind. As we get closer notice a beautiful ship coming into port. I'd always dreamt of the sea, it seems to always calm me. It felt more like home then the castle did. I couldn't help but head towards where it seemed to be docking. I tier up my house and begin walking closer.

As I approach I feel Ralph pull me back "Miss stop! That's a pirate ship" he state with worry in his voice. "And?" I question, pirate's didn't scare me, truthful they integer me. I pull out of Ralph's grasp running onto the ship. Not watching  were I was going I ran straight into someone. "And who might you be?" I look up to gorgeous man, I guess to be the captain. He had jet black hair and ocean blue eyes just like myself.

"Um..I'm.. ah" I complete stumble over my words looking at his beauty "Princess!" I hear Ralph yell "Princess Elizabeth!?" The pirate said in shock, I nod "Sir I promise I won't hurt her." He said to Ralph, I pleaded with my eyes for Ralph to trust him, he sighed "I'll give you 30 minutes, then we leave for the castle" I thank him and he goes off into the village.

"And you are?" I asked "Oh right! Killian Jones but most people call me by my more colourful name Hook" Killian said with a smile waving his hook in the air. "Captain Hook!" I yell, he nods. I had heard many stories about him from my few friends from the village. I remember once asking my mother about him, but she got mad, telling me to never speak of him again.

"How is your mother?" Killian asked, "You knew my mother?" I asked a little shock, maybe that's why she never wished to speak of him. Killian nods, his eyes looking deeply at me, as if looking into my soul "How old her you?" he asked "16 to the day" I say with a smile. "No.. There's no way.. It can't be" he said, more to himself then me "What can't be?" I ask.

He shakes his head "Oh nothing.. But what can I do for you princess?" He kindly asked "Nothing really, I just wanted to see your ship" I say "Well let me give you the grand tour" Killian showed me around till Ralph reappeared, I sighed not wanting to leave. I was really getting along with Killian, and didn't know if i'd ever see him again. Then I got an idea "The ball!" I shout out "Um what?" Killian say confused by my random out burst "You must come, my birthday ball is tonight and I wish for you to be there."

"Love, I don't think that's a good idea. Your mother wouldn't approve" Killian said with a frown. "And you care why? This is my birthday not hers and I would love for you to come. Ralph please make sure Killian Jones is on tonight's list" I say, not taking no for an answer "Fine, but only if I get a dance with the princess." I nod and head off back towards the castle, giving a wave and smile to Killian as we ride off.

"Finally you back! Come quick we need to get you ready" Emma said pulling me into my room where her, Snow and a few maid got busy fitting my dress and getting my hair and make up done. I look in the mirror nearly not recognising myself "You look absolutely stunning dear" Snow said in awe "Maybe you'll even find a suitor tonight" she squeals, I just roll my eyes. 


"Introducing her majesty Princess Elizabeth of the Enchanted Foster" I take the position at the head of the stair case looking out at all the people, only looking for one. The blue eyes beautiful pirate but to not so much of a surprise he is no where to be seen.

Author Note - Now don't worry, this will be a CaptainSwan Story, this is just setting it up. :) xx Don't forget to Comment and Vote xx

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