She had bright forest green eyes and long brown hair, it was pulled into a high ponytail. She wore a blue flannel, black jeans and a necklace.

"Hm.. You alright?"

She asked, her voice was a bit deep for the aura she was putting out.

"Yes. Thanks."

I stuttered, sighing for what seemed like the millionth time today.

"Good. See ya."

She walked off in the other direction.

Way to go y/n, failing at even making a single friend.

I walked up to Aphmau and ate lunch with her instead.


I was making my way home, stopping by Zane's house for a bit. His parents weren't home and he was sick, so I figured I would surprise him.

It was almost our 2 year anniversary after all, but I wasn't one for sentimental celebrations.

I knocked on his door, expecting him to shout "go away". He opened it and rolled his eye.

"Y/n.. I told you to stay away. I'm terribly ill."
"That's why I'm here."

I chuckled, noticing his appearance. He had a blanket covering most of his body. Shorts and a t-shirt with bunny slippers. He wasn't wearing his scarf or mask. His hair was scruffy and looked unkempt.

Absolutely adorable.

I made my way into the house without any more complaints, he reluctantly followed me to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna make you soup."
"You're gonna find some way to burn it."
"I'm not that bad a cook, Zane"
"I guess."

I stuck out my tongue and opened a can of soup, turning the heat on and waiting for it to boil.

He sat on the table, looking miserable and sniffing the air as the soup started to take form.

He smiled at me, not trying to be close in fear of getting me sick as well.

The soup finished boiling and I poured him a bowl, turning off the heat.


He muttered and started to eat.

I looked back at the boy, sitting next to him and crossing my legs on the couch. He seemed a bit dazed and quiet.

I decided to watch a bit of (show) while I waited for him to finish.

"My mom won't be home for like three hours. But you should go back to your house."

Zane finally said, setting the bowl on the table next to the couch. He held his head tightly.

"Come here."

I replied, pulling him into my lap. His cheeks lit up bright pink.

"What? We've been dating forever. And it's not like anyone's here."

Zane tried not to stare at me, closing his eyes and nudging his face into my left leg. I scratched his head and watched my show.

"See? Isn't that better?"

He yawned and slowly fell asleep on me. I smiled kindly at him, pushing back his hair and covering him in his blanket. I kissed his forehead lightly and let him doze off.


The day ended quietly, I was stuck on the couch for the three hours binging my show until his mother came over and woke him up with her squeals of excitement.

I exited the doorway, laughing at Zane as he ran from his mother.

But I felt something in my gut. Something was going to go wrong.

It always has to when I'm happy.


Admin time!

Probably the shortest, most boring chapter I've ever written.

I'm sorry if you actually fell asleep reading this one. I'm not too proud but I've got writers block and this story will be ending soon.

I know right only one chapter left!!

Or two.

I haven't decided.

If you haven't noticed, I've been obsessed with Heathens by TOP and I made that the focus of the story, so you can kinda get where I got my inspiration from by listening to the song.

Btw if you can guess who the girl was you ran into you get a gold star a+

Thanks for reading :)

That emo kid - A Zane x reader storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें