Fav // Love Story | T'Challa Udaku

Start from the beginning

You were laying on woven blankets on the floor, propping yourself on one elbow.

You spotted the king in a chair in the corner of the room. Gasping, you scrambled to your knees and bowed your head.

"Servant (Y/N), is it not?" He asked from the shadows.

"It is, sir," you replied.

"You do realize that your actions are treason, and that you should be killed, yes?"

"Yes, sir. I realize that."

He was silent for a moment.

Sighing, he finally replied. "But... Since you are officially an Udaku, and technically part of the royal family, I will spare your life."

You let out a breath of relief.

"You are to stay here, in this small community. No more contact with my son. You have a pen of animals outside, neighbors thirty meters away, and a well just down the road."

You nodded gratefully. "I thank you for your mercy, sir."

He stood up. "But, if I ever see you approach my son, I will have you deported to Somalia. Am I clear, Miss (Y/N)?"

You nodded, biting your lip.

"Very well." He opened the door and walked out.


(You are now 22 years old, and T'Challa is 23.)

T'Challa stepped out of the black SUV, straightening his suit, and taking a deep breath of the fresh country air.

It was different from the gasoline-filled smog of the city he grew up in, and T'Challa decided that he absolutely loved the crisp air.

He made his way down the worn dirt path to the small community he was informed you were staying. After four whole years, he would finally see his wife again.

T'Challa glanced down at the silver ring on his finger and smiled slightly. He was so distracted by the ring that he nearly bumped into a woman heading towards the village.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am, I--" he looked up. "(Y/N)."

Your head snapped up at the familiar voice, water sloshing out of the two buckets you were carrying back to your house.

"Hello, T'Challa." 

You continued on your path back to your hut, ignoring his protests.

"So what?" He asked when he caught up to you. "No amazing welcome back? Not even a kiss on the cheek?"

You rolled your eyes, blowing a piece of hair out of your eyes that had escaped it's loose bun.


You finally arrived at your house, setting down your two buckets and dumping one of them into a trough for your animals.

"(Y/N)! It's me! Your husband. I've finally found you after all these years."

You placed the bucket back down. "Four years is a lot of time to miss something."

You wiped sweat off your brow, wiping it onto your long skirt, and taking an exhausted breath.

You walked towards the entrance of the house. T'Challa stopped you by grabbing onto your elbow, pulling you to his chest. "(Y/N), I'm sorry I left you. I had no idea where you were, and it was so incredibly hard for me to go on without you in my life."

You narrowed your eyes, pointing an angered finger at his chest, the other falling to your hip. "Do you know how I went on? I was devastated when I wasn't allowed to keep you in my life. What kept me going was knowing I had a piece of you to come home to every day!"

He raised an eyebrow. "A piece of me?"

As if on cue, the door to your hut slammed open, and a little boy, who looked like a miniature version of T'Challa ran out and hugged your leg.


The three year old boy looked up at T'Challa. "Mommy, who's this?"

You smiled tiredly, crouching down. "T'Channa, this is T'Challa."

You picked him up, resting him on your hip. T'Challa stared at you, jaw wide open, and unshed tears in his eyes.

"I-- Is he mine?"

You smiled and nodded. "That's what I was trying to tell you the day we were taken from eachother."

He took a deep breath, holding his hand out to the boy. "M-- May I?"

You nodded, handing him his son, watching as the young boy looked into his father's eyes.

A tear fell down T'Challa's cheek. "He's so beautiful."

He hugged T'Channa close to him, kissing his forehead, then pulling you close and doing the same.

You curled into his chest happily, as the villagers who watched the scene cheered.

Your family was finally complete.

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