Chapter 3

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The next morning, you get ready for school. You begin to think about the kid you met when were young. The strange guy you met on your first day looked so much like him. You want to thank the kid for helping you that day. He still doesn't know why you were crying. But does it really matter anymore. You feel the end of your mouth quickly go up, but then they go back down. You don't notice how fast your heart is really pounding from the thought of the kid back then. You still love him after all this time. He must be close to your age now.

You grab your bag. Checking over and over that you actually have it, you may or may not have run into a couple of people. But they seem pretty upset. So that doesn't happen again. You hold your bag out in front of you. Not much help since it blocks your field of view. You decide to admit you have it and put it at your side. You begin to get nervous, so you check one last time. Then again. Then again. Ecetera. You finally make it to the school, bag in hand with all your books. Right? You check quickly. They are all there. You let out a sigh of relief. You head to class when someone calls your name. You turn around to see no one there. You shake your head. You turn around and jump back when you see someone there. He has light brownish hair with a side braid. His eyes are sparkling gold. He is holding a rose against his lips.

"Hello there," he speaks.

"H-hi," you respond.

He scans you from head to toe.

"So your the pretty new rose here," he smiles and hands you the rose.

You take it. "Thank you."

"Oh, of course," his smile becomes a little creepy. "I hope to see you again little rose."

You smile awkwardly, "I hope so too."

You rush pass him. You open the classroom door and rush to your seat. The brown haired girl watches you. She smiles.

"I'm Ritsuka," she whispers to you. "I just thought you should know."

"(Y/N)," you whisper back. "Nice to meet you."

The teacher calls out both of your names. You and Ritsuka both giggle silently to each other. After class, you both walk to the Student Council room.

"I want to introduce you to my other friends," she smiles whe opening the door.

You watch the door open wider and wider. You feel yourself getting nervous. As soon as the door opens, you see that messy haired guy. The one that ditched you at a door. But you have to admit, he looks really familiar. Everyone looks at you. Then you notice that rose guy. You still have the rose since it was kind of him to give it to you. Whether it's still alive or not is unknown at the moment. There are some new people. Two blonds but one has greenish-blueish eyes and the other had golden eyes. Their hair are different shades of blond and different lengths. One has a little hint of green in his hair. Plus, one is more pale than the other. There is also a little Pomeranian chewing on the messy hair guy's ankle.

"Hey guys!" Ritsuka smiles. "This is (Y/N)."

"Hello," they all say at once. Sounds pretty creepy.

You wave awkwardly. Great first impression. Nervous, sweaty, and awkward. Oh shush! What do they expect?! You new. The messy hair guy smiles.

"I'm Shiki," he smiles.

"Mage," says the tan dude.

"Rem," says the more pale guy.

"Urie," says rose guy.

The Pomeranian just barks. You smile and get down on your knees. You pet him.

"Nice to meet you too," you smile while shaking his paw.

You look around at everyone else. They all stare at you. Then the more pale guy smirks and moves a glass checker piece on the checker board on his desk. You become a little nervous, but you brush it off. Shiki walks over to you. He kneels beside you with a smile.

"I remember from that time when we were kids." He looks over at you.

Your heart speeds up when your eyes meet his. The kid you fell in love with ad a child is right in front of you. So your guess was right this morning. He looks a lot more adorable now that you know who he is.

"Thank you for helping me that day," you say.

"Why were you crying?" he asks.

Your heart stops for a moment. "My stepdad came home a little drunk that night. That's why I live alone now."

Shiki wraps his arms around you, "I see. Well at least your safe."

You smile. Everyone is staring at you, but you don't even care. All you care about is that your able to be with your hero again.

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