Chapter 28

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You know he's still there. You don't let your guard down, not for a second. His evil laughter fills the air. You look around slowly. That bastard is going to pay for what he's done. You close your eyes and try to listen out for him. Everything is silent.

"You killed them," a whisper calls out. "You're parents loved you. And you killed them."

"It wasn't my fault." Your eyes shoot open.

"That fallen angel is close to death because of you," the whisper continues.

"He made that decision," you say. "You won't get through to me that way!"

Suddenly, something pentrates your back and stomach. Blood pours down your mouth. You slowly look down to see an old, wrinkled hand.

"Then I guess I have go through you this way,"the old vampire cackles.

You feel his hand quickly slide out of the gash inside you.

"Of course, it won't kill you," the old vampire says while licking your blood off his fingers. "You are very tasty, Princess."

You press your teeth together in anger. Yeah, it won't kill you, but it sure as hell hurts. You struggle to turn around. You finally come face to face with the old vampire. His cracked lips curved into a creepy smile. His eyes scanning you up and down.

"I have you all to myself. Your human blood mixed with your vampire blood is simply deliciodelicious." He takes a step forward. "It feels wonderful to stand again. All thanks to you." Another step closer. "Now all I need, is your heart."

You take a step back. But he keeps coming closer, slowly but surely.

"You won't lay another hand on her." An arm lands in front of you. You follow the arm to find Urie.

"You have to get through us first." Mage steps in front of you.

Rem soon joins in along with.... Shiki? His blood still covering him. Soon Ritsuka places her hand on your shoulder.

"He wouldn't stay behind," she says.

The old vampire lets out a loud laugh. "Power of friendship won't get you out of this one!"

You look around at your friends. You know it won't work. You know what has to happen, but you're not ready for it to happen. You smile but your eyes frown. You hold your wounded stomach and walk in front of everyone. You have to destroy the grimoire.

"You're wrong! It will work. My love for my friends gives me the courage to sacrifice myself!" you call out.

The old vampire's smile fades. You rip the top of your dress. Your hand begins to glow red and slides into your chest. Pain shoots through your body. Shadows spin around, keeping your friends out. You look at Shiki. His eyes filled with tears. You give him a smile as you wrap your fingers around your heart. Ignoring the pain, you pull out your heart which holds the grimoire. The shadows swirl around it, making your heart turn to ash along with the grimoire. You feel your body begin to go limp. Everything inside you shuts down. You hear the old vampire spit out all these names as your life slowly fades away.

Everything around you feels warm. You slowly open your eyes to see light. Everything around is white and pure.

"(Y/N)!" You hear someone yell, but you don't know who it is. It sounds familiar, but nothing.

You try to get up, but your body won't allow you. In fact, you're really comfortable.

"Welcome, (Y/N)," A different voice says. "Are you comfortable?"

"Yes," you answer.

"You did what you had to do," the voice says. "You know that, right?"

"Yes," you answer again.

"Is there any othet place you would rather be?" the voice asks.

"No," you answer once again.

You feel a hand rub against your cheek. Then you feel something warm press against your lips. Pressure presses against your chest over and over.

"There's some people who still want you," the voice whispers.

"Who?" you ask.

The image of a man with messy purple hair and gorgeous orange eyes appears in your head.

"Who is that?" you ask.

"Wake up and see," the voice demands.

You slowly open your eyes. A blast of hospital lights blind you. You try to shield your eyes with your hand. You feel a hand wrap around yours. Your eyes finally adjust to the light. Your friends stand around your hospital bed, staring at you with smiles. You slowly sit up. You feel something flutter behind you, causing you to jump. You quickly turn around to see miniature white feathers flap around. You look over at Shiki. He smiles and pets your new angel wings.

"They'll grow," he whispers.

​You smile. Then he presses his lips against yours. They are so warm and breathtaking. You slowly close your eyes and kiss him back.

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