Chapter 3

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"Slow down!" Grab da wall, wiggle like you're tryin' to make... Mass? Bass? Class? Sass? Yeah, I'll go with sass! Wiggle like you're tryin' to make sass fall off, hey. I chuckle at my joke, and then turn my attention to one of my best friends. "Josie, you need to calmly tell me what you're trying to explain." I look her in the eye, hands on her shoulders. It was after class had ended, and I was waiting for my mom to finish doing whatever she was doing. I explained to Mrs. Brackin that the reason why I was late was because mom... Lost track of time. She believed me easily, considering that it was the truth.

Now I've been trying to understand Josie's ramble for the past 15 minutes, and it doesn't help that she was excited to tell me. I tried hard to dis-jumble her words that she had sown together with her mouth, but I just couldn't. She took a deep breath in, and let it out slowly.

"I got asked to prom!" she exclaims, doing a little happy dance as all of the other girls came and started squealing around me. I'm the oldest of this whole group, and I'm not just talking about the girls. OHED, my homeschool group, was very tiny, and I am the only 11th grader. Before I continue, I should introduce myself, because I started doing that anyway.

Well... I'm Cassie. Cassia, actually, but I like Cassie better. Thanks, mom, for making my name... Interesting. Anyways! I'm 16, and I moved back to Florida. I didn't want to; I loved my home in Georgia. But I dealt with it after a while. When I was living in Georgia, I learned how to sing, and play a whole bunch of instruments, so my life revolves around music and other pointless things. But back to the situation at hand.

"Wait, we don't have prom..." I trailed off. I just joined this group, but I knew that it wasn't big enough for a prom for sure. I looked and saw a couple of guys pass us, and I felt bad. They never had a chance with new, and taller guys walking in the building. Josie nods her head, and so does Skylar.

"We know, but Mrs. Carmen went to the closest school near us. And the principle offered for some guys to come and see if they would like to ask one of us!" I raised an eyebrow, thinking that it seemed a bit sad. Almost like a charity case to me, but whatever. "Cassie, it's legit!"

"I even got asked to go!" I hear Ava say, Lanie's sister. Lanie and Ava are in my Chemistry class, even though Ava is 3 years younger than me. "And all of the guys were... So tall!" I raise both of my eyes, nodding my head as they all freak out that they've been asked to their first prom. I put my hands in my pockets.

"I knew I should've gotten here early!" I exclaim, annoyed. The good side of luck was never in my favor. Oh, thanks so much, mom, maybe next year. "Well, that's great guys! You guys get to have fun at prom!" I say to them. I have never been to prom, nor was I planning on it. 

Josie shakes her head, though, hearing something quickly. "You're going to, Cassie! Didn't the boy ask you?" I look at her confused. There was no boy I remember talking to... I shake my head no. "Sure there was! He was asking mom if there were any more girls, and when I mentioned you, he said that he would wait until you had seen him."

"I didn't see any..." The more I talked, the more I thought about it. I didn't see any guy that I hadn't seen on any other... "Oh!" I say, eyes wide. "There was this one guy, but I hardly even saw his face. I don't even remember saying anything to him, though." The girls shrug their shoulders.

"It might just be him, or some other boy that I just didn't see," Josie told me. "But I know that he was most likely going to ask you."

"He doesn't even know me though, none of them know us," I state. "Why would they volunteer to ask someone they didn't know at all to their prom?" I was so confused. The girls didn't have an answer to that.

"Maybe the girls that haven't been asked are... Not that attractive?" Ava asks, going red because she was about to say something mean. Seriously, she was the youngest and the nicest person of us all. She wouldn't even hurt an ant.

"Maybe," I reply, changing the weight of my book and folder to my other arm. I looked past the girls, to see my mom waving at me that she's ready to leave. I start to walk her way. "I guess we'll see next week, if he comes back."

"So, you're going to get asked?" my mom asked. I started playing Pokemon. It was Friday, and I just now told her about the whole prom thing. It kind of slipped my mind; I started paying my brother's Xbox 360 for a little here and there, distracting myself. We were in the living room, me with the laptop on my lap and mom with the flat screen TV remote in her hand, about to watch Netflix.

"I don't know, mom," I said honestly. I didn't get there in time for anyone to ask me. Well I did, but I didn't give the guy anytime to pop the question. At all really, I didn't even let him finish what he was trying to say before I pushed myself away from him and into my class. I was really stupid... "I never got asked."

"Oh," my mother says lamely. I shake my head, focusing on my game. "Well, you never know if a boy may come back." I pause the game.

"Mom," I say, sitting up. "There was a guy. According to Josie, he was waiting to see if I came so that he could ask me. I'm pretty sure he was the one I blew off because I was rushing and didn't talk to him." I was sure of this; there was no way he was coming back.

"I wouldn't be so sure," mom sings smiling. "You know, when I met your father –"

"Oh, god!" I groan as I get up, with both the laptop and DS, and walk up stairs to play in peace. I try to think about Tuesday; try to remember anything about who was holding the door for me. I knew that he had to be tall; he was taller than me anyway. I'm 5'8, so maybe 5'9 or 6'0? I have no idea; I'm not good when it comes to estimating.


"Josie, I'm not going to go to that school to look for him," I said later that evening. She had just gotten her phone back after like a month, and the first thing she did was 4-way to Skylar, Ava and Lanie, and me. They were all trying to convince me that I needed to find this guy.

"Oh, come on!" Ava exclaims. I rolled my eyes, knowing that they wouldn't let this go. "You know you want to go, and what if he's uber cute?" They all comment on that, and I hear 'yeah' all over the place.

"And I don't think he would ask me. I mean, asking someone you don't know compared to asking someone you do?" I sit up and stick my spoon into the tub of Nutella and eat it. "There's just no way," I say with my mouth full.

"Cassie?" Skylar says slowly.

"Didn't your mom say not to eat out of the Nutella jar anymore?" Lanie asks me, sounding more like a scornful mother than a best friend. I laughed, because all of them knew I wasn't supposed to do this.

"I have no idea what you guys are talking about." I say. Then I shake my head. "This isn't about me eating Nutella. This supposed extra guy, I don't think that he'll be back next week." I hear all of them chuckle.

"I bet you ten bucks that he will," Skylar says on the other end. I roll my eyes; we have gone through this.

"Guys, you know I don't have any money or a job to be betting on anything," I say simply. All the girls laugh.

"He'll be back," Ava says, sticking to her words. "I'm sure of it." 

"Ok, guys," I say. "You know, you were still all asked, so what are you going to wear?" I remove my cell phone from my ear, because the screaming after that question burst my ear drum. "Ok, so I'm going to have to go dress shopping with you guys after I get asked?" I asked, putting little snippets I got from their words together.

"Yes!" they all say together. I just shake my head. 

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