13. Fear

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Shawn looked around at her team, the phone kept ringing. Bruno raised an eyebrow, Cathy looked worried and Corin mouthed, "Who is it?".

Shawn answered and put the person on speaker.

"Hello, Shawn Adams. Call me Fear, knowing my real name can cause some trouble for me. I've been keeping track of your little mission. Let me give you a hint, Eliza was last spotted on Cambe St. Look there." His laugh was hysterical and it sounded more like a cackle. He hung up and Shawn put her phone away.

"Did you get the signal?" Shawn looked at Cathy on her phone.

"Yep, I just need to download some files and my gps will show us to 'Fear'" Cathy said as she got into the car.

Shawn got into the shotgun seat, "Let's check on this Cambe Street."

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