I glanced at Mo who was trying to hide her eagerness, but completely failing. "Sorry, guys, that's confidential at this moment. I'm sure you'll find out soon enough."

Okay, so I may have been lying. I didn't even know who was going to be in the movie. I was just a lowly production assistant and for some reason, details involving this movie had been on the hush hush, especially questions involving the stars. Things like this usually didn't bother me though. In my position, I ran errands, got coffee (from Starbucks, unfortunately), and made sure anyone who needed help received it. But the number one rule for all PA's was never, not even if they looked like they needed help, bother the actors. Don't try to speak with them, don't ask them for autographs, don't even look them in the eye. A PA was there to work, not freak out about how close they were to Johnny Depp or how Leonardo DiCaprio once glanced in their direction (or maybe he was looking at someone else, but does it matter?). None of that was allowed on a professional set, and if someone broke the rules, you could be sure they were forever blacklisted from a Hollywood production. Well, it might not have been that strict. Nathan Fillion once asked if I had a tissue and I gave him one from my pocket and I'm still around to tell the tale.

Mo snapped the lid onto my drink, careful not to let any coffee spill from the brimming cup. Today, while rushing to get ready, I had forgotten to bring in my personal travel mug that I got as a birthday gift from my mother a few birthdays ago. I tried to never leave the house without it, even if (God forbid) it was empty. That just gave me an excuse to go to Mo and Joe's for the best coffee in the world. I don't know how they do it. Joe once told me it had something to do with where the beans were roasted and the quality of the water they used. They refused to use city water, and I secretly applauded them with every sip. No one else seemed to realize that coffee is mainly water, and if you have water containing a horde of minerals and vitamins, it will mess with the flavor.

Handing me my vanilla latte, the 50-something woman tisked.

"What a shame. Joe and I love secrets," she said.

I'm sure, I thought.

After dropping some cash on the counter, I smiled and thanked the older couple and proceeded to my usual corner. From my seat, I could see the entire store, except the front door which was blocked by a fake ficus tree to my left. The photographs on the wall were all taken by local high school students, but, to me, they looked as good as any professional. My favorite was the black and white photo of a couple's feet with the shorter girl standing on the guy's shoes in order to kiss him. I had seen many photos like it, but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it any less. Having a kiss like that had always been a dream of mine since I was old enough to start having crushes on the cute, talkative boys in school. In my mind, I always pictured myself with a taller, slightly older man whose heart was as large as his smile. An added bonus would be if he was British, but realistically, I knew the chances of finding a man like that here were slim. For our first kiss, we would be walking by the water on a warm summer night, hand in hand, when he'd suddenly stop and stare at me. When I ask him what is wrong, he would say, "Absolutely nothing. In this moment, nothing could ever go wrong," and then pull me in tight to his solid body and hold me in his muscular, yet lean, arms. He would look down at me, lips parted, his heartbeat and breathing getting faster with millisecond that goes by as he looks at me, sees me for the first time. Then, I would step up onto his feet, grasp his shoulders as if I was drowning and they were my lifeboat in the violent sea, and finally touch his lips with my own. Softly at first, making sure this was okay. But there would be no question as he'd pull me impossibly close, so tight against him I could hardly breathe. And he would deepen the kiss, as if he were suffocating and I was the air he needed, I was his oxygen.

The door chimed as someone walked into the shop, wrenching me out of my fantasy. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and hoped my red-hot face wasn't betraying me.

I watched as the tall man who just entered ordered his coffee while tapping his fingers on the counter. From behind, he looked a bit scrawny, but not in a bad way, more like an I'd-rather-stay-inside-and-read way. The man shifted so his right foot crossed behind his left and twirled to face the rest of the shop. As he took in the atmosphere, he leaned back on the counter and crossed his arms. I was slightly stunned at how attractive he was. From behind he had looked like a mathematician who lived in his parents basement, but I knew I had been mistaken the second he turned around. His dark chocolate hair was neatly styled and on the longer side, bangs coiffed the right of his broad forehead. He had a big chin, but it was a strong one. Eyes resembling the northern lights were now fixed on me as his soft, smooth lips crinkled into a smile.

I quickly raised my vanilla latte to my own lips and turned away, hoping once again my face didn't light up. The last thing I needed today was to feel flustered. I had to be on my absolute A-game for the first day of work.

"Here ya go, Hun." I heard Mo hand the tall man his order.

"Thank you." Oh, dear Lord. He was English. I took another gulp of my latte. At this rate, it would be gone in a matter of minutes.

I thought I heard the tall man ask something. Maybe if I look up for just a second...

Oh, he's staring at me. I pretended I was suddenly very interested in the back of my hand.

"Her name's Friday," I heard Mo say as if she were trying to whisper but forgetting how to do so. "And she's single."

Any hope I had of avoiding embarrassment today was thrown into the blender I heard Joe start up in the background.

Over the sound of the machine, I could hear no more of their conversation. Hopefully it had moved onto the weather or some mundane topic like that. Feeling it was finally safe to look up, I lifted my head.

"Hi." The tall man was standing right in front of me.

"Erm, hi." This conversation was off to a great start.

"I couldn't help but notice your earrings. Big Doctor Who fan?" Okay, 20 points for you, Tall Man. My earrings were tiny TARDISes from my favorite TV show.

"Yes, I'm a huge Whovian," I replied with a shy smile. "Do you watch the show?"

"Do I watch the show?" Uh-oh, was he hard of hearing? "I love it! It's the best programme on television! Who's your favourite Doctor?"

I was prepared for this question. It was like a standard ritual between Whovians meeting for the first time. First, it was your favorite doctor, then your favorite episode, followed by a discussion of the most recent episode to air.

"I feel like I know who you're going to say, but my favorite is Matt Smith." I bit my lip, really hoping, for some reason, he accepted my answer.

"Ah, really?" he wrinkled his nose. "Do you mind if I sit down and tell you why Tennant is the best?"

"I knew you were a Tennant fan, everyone is." Tall Man chuckled, still looking at me, waiting for an answer. I had to get to work soon, but I absolutely loved talking about Doctor Who, and this good-looking stranger seemed to as well, so the decision that should have bothered me was an easy one. "Have a seat."

Note: Hello everyone! Hope you're enjoying the story so far! If you are, please press that little star button and leave a comment. It really helps :) Or, if there's anything you want me to fix, let me know. Remember, I wrote this a few years ago now, and my writing has (hopefully) improved. Thanks for reading! --Megan/jiggyjogs2

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