I could never do that, I would die.

"So, you have a guy part?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah, I was born with it."

When I'm about to speak kylie comes through the door

"Mom said to come-" her eyes widen.

"Mom! Kendall has a scary girl in her room!" she yells and runs back downstairs.

I facepalm myself hearing my mom.

"Kendall get your ass down here and bring the scary lady now!"

"Well fuck, sorry, but you gotta come. Do you need help walking?" she gets up.

"Nah, I'm okay the pain is calming down, I'm already meeting the parents?" she wiggles her eyebrows smiling.

"Do I need to hit you again?"

I laughed because that shut her up so fast and she moved her hand closer to her part. We both walk into the dining room and see my whole family sitting down.

"Kendall who is this and why was she in your room?" my dad asked me while staring at Cara with the scariest face.

"This is Cara Dele, she's a friend from school and she needed some of my notes for history" I lie.

"Hello sir and ma'am, like she said I'm Cara Dele and I was just about to leave. I didn't mean to interrupt your dinner, it was nice meeting you," she said before she leans into my ear and says.

"I'll get those notes another time."

She smirks and starts to walk away when Kim speaks up.

She should keep her mouth shut.

"Cara stay to have dinner with us, we don't mind right mom?"

"It's fine with me, we have extra food and it would be awesome to have one of Kendall's friends over because she has none."

I hate my family.

"Mom, Taylor is my friend. I don't have none."

I've given up at this point and sit down and start eating my food.

"Please sit Cara," my dad said.

"Okay," she smiles and sits in the open seat next to me.

"This is delicious," Cara said while stuffing her face with food like she hasn't eaten in weeks.

"I haven't had a home-cooked meal in a few years because my parents are always working."

"I bet. I know your family owns a lot of companies and I look up to you guys," my dad said while eating.

"It's not too great, I rarely see my mom and dad and the work is hard but its better than nothing," she said.

"I'm sorry," my mom said as she took a breadstick from my dad's plate, he just looked at her smiling.

"You guys are really cute, I hope to marry someone that makes me that happy."

"You will find him one day," I choke

on my food a little because I'm laughing.

"Mom, she's gay," my mom nods.

"Oh sorry, okay you will find her one day" Cara smiles with my mom.

My mom and dad are fine with all that because I'm gay. They said they would always love me and my dad was happy because then he wouldn't have to worry about me being a teen mom.

It's been two hours since dinner and we are all sitting in the family room watching a movie. I guess my family hates me because they all choose Annabelle and I hate scary movies. I've been hiding in Cara's arm the whole time. I don't care if I look stupid this shit is scary.

The movie ends and everybody starts to get up and go to bed, I get up to realized that Cara is sleeping.

How could she sleep with me basically yelling in her ear the whole time?

"Hey Cara, wake up the movie is over" I shake her and she moves a little.

"I'm sleeping over. I'm too tired to drive," she said while walking to my room slowly.

I shake my head and go to my room not questioning her sleeping over because there's no point, it's late. I get to my room to see Cara sleeping on the floor. I walk to her and kneel down.

"You can sleep in my bed, I don't mind" she does nothing.

I go and grab my pj's and head to the bathroom to change, once I'm done I get back to my room and Cara is now on my bed snoring slightly. I put my clothes in my closet and get in my bed and turn off the light. I feel Cara's jacket and boots and poke her.

"Hey, take off that shit it's my bed, not the floor."

I can see her eyes are still close and she takes off her jacket and boots along with her shirt and pants.

"I didn't mean take off everything silly," I tell her.

I'm not worried about it because shes knocked out and she's not naked. So, it's fine.

I roll over to face the door and start to fall asleep when I feel her arm swing over me pulling me closer to her, and she was not lying about having a guy part. It's there for sure.

I can feel myself blush.

"I'm a cuddler, sorry. Goodnight beautiful," she said quickly before falling fastly to sleep.

"Goodnight Cara."

I smile and drift off to sleep peacefully.

Why Me (Kendall And Cara) gxgWhere stories live. Discover now