Part 2

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Part 2

With my gaze fuzzy, the vertigo still in effect, I blinked.. Fluttering my lashes open to meet a white ceiling. Solid silence except for a faint happy humming coming down the hall. It would seem I was alive.

Machines were connected to my blood flow, stacks of liquid medicine dressed the side table with about 7 half rotten bananas in a glass vase. I lifted myself up, aching.. The sound of humming becoming louder and louder before finally halting with complete silence.

Autistic giggling could be heard from outside the door, and my eyes were met with the same pink man poking his head to peek in my room. His eyes widened and with a excited expression jumped up and down in the room.

"AYEHHHHHOooB0SS!" The half-rotten bananas fell out of his arms..

"For the last time PinkGuy, those disgusting bananas are not flowers!" An unfamiliar man with glasses, dirty button up shirt, greasy hair, and a labcoat walked in, but soon stopped himself when he noticed me.

"O-Oh.. You're awake.." His gruff voice trailed off awkwardly.

"Who are you.. Where's ChinChin." Pink Guy stopped his excitement, and the man glanced around.

"You are safe, it's okay. This is Pink Guy.. He told everything that happened two days ago and convinced me to let you stay.. I am Filthy Frank."

"O-Oh..." I looked down at my lap. Pink Guy slowly picked his endeared bananas up and put them in the glass vase delicately.

"Eyb0ss.. can somebody give me the p0ssy pls." (lol tell her what happened to faggot chinchin)

I glanced back at the 52 year old man.. Who looked uncomfortable as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"He went back to Realm iii, Pink guy here, sacrificed a few chromosomes."

"Thankyou, Pink guy.. You saved my life."

Sporadic combustion of happy noises escaped him, leaving Frank in a disturbed state as Pink Guy trotted out of the room. Licking his lips nervously, Filthy Frank descended upon a rolling chair. "So.. Uh.. Your name?"

I leaned back against the pillow, not exactly wishing to reveal that sort of information but having no choice. "Kiwi."

"Kiwi? Well... that's kind of lame.." He laughed a bit, but I just returned his amusement with a glare, he gulped.

"When will I go home?"

"Home?" He paused..


"Your alliance is with us now, at least until we know that Chin Chin is pleased." He gulped again at my confused stare.

"Don't shoot the messenger, Pink Guy seems to be attached to you.. uhm as you can see..." He looked at the vase of rotten bananas.

"Yeah.. Bananas are kinda a big deal to him, Kiwi." With that he got up and left me in a state of wonder.

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