He didn't mean to

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It was that abomination Father Jackson.
He had a knife in his hand and a dish with food in the other.
He place the dish on the old dirty floor and opened the cell door with the knife with nowhere to go I wanted to scream but he said if I dear try he would kill me right there.
Before he could do anything to me Garyio came out of nowhere and hit him with a piece of "two b four board". He stumbled a little but it almost seemed as if the hit that he got bounded right off his muscular body. The only thing that happened after he got the hit he dropped the knife."you shouldn't have done that" he yelled in anger. He pushed Garyio in the hard cemented wall and Garyio fell to the ground.
As he came over Garyio, Ian hit him again with the board but this time even harder.
Garyio took up the knife and as he was about to get up Garyio started stabbing him, the both tassel and Garyio stabbed him in his chest and before we knew it he seemed to be dead.
"Come on were getting out of here" he said.
We all climbed through the window. We hide for a while and then we sneaked through the back gate while the food trucks were coming in.

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