☾ Chapter 4 ☀

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Two seconds until the last bell rings signalling the end of today's lessons. And we are off, thank God. Today was a long day and I am so tired of people asking me "what happened to John" and "Omg did he got in a fight? Why is his eye black?". Seriously everyone was asking me, well except the teachers, I have a feeling they know what went down yesterday.

Nate: "Hey Dan wait for me!"

Dan: "Oh hey, what's up Nate? How was your walk back home with Zizel ;)?"

Nate: "Stop that Dan"

Dan: "What I didn't do anything"

Nate: "Oh I know you think me and Zizel are together Dan"

Dan: "Your words bro. But really now did you make a move on her last night?"

Britt: "Hello unimportant Fays I have to be in a team with, what are you talking about?"

Nate: "Not your business Britt. And since when you are talking to us during school hours?"

Britt: "Well actually the bell rang 5 minutes ago so technically school is over. Also I learned something interesting today you need to know."

Dan: "Britt we really don't have time for your gossip we have to be at practice remember?"

Britt: "Oh but it's about practice, well you know my uncle is Principle Grey right?"

Nate: "Yes, you told that to everyone about 1000 times."

Dan: "Get to the point Britt, everyone knows who is your uncle"

Britt: "So I heard my mom talking to him today and it seems like Mrs Rone got fired because of yesterday's fight"

Nate: "Fired? Why, she was my favourite teacher."

Dan: "This is absurd! The fight happened after the lesson was over they can't do that"

Britt: "Well guess again because they did, even though the fight happened after the lesson it still happened on school grounds so she is to blame."

Dan: "So what's going to happen now?"

Britt: "Apparently they brought a new ability trainer and since Mr Brown is still absent and they don't want yesterday's events repeating we are having double hours of ability training"

Nate: "You got to be kidding me"

Dan: "Oh this is not going to be fun for me"

Zizel: "Hey guys why are you standing here talking we have to go to the training. I don't want to make a bad impression to the new trainer."

Dan: "You knew about the new trainer too?"

Zizel: "Of course I knew, the whole school has been talking about him, they say he is the hottest trainer we ever had!"

Nate: "Is he now?"

Zizel: "Hmm? Well I haven't seen him and I don't like rumours. C'mon let's go"

Mr Ryan: "You are late"

Zizel: "Apologies Mr it won't happen again"

Mr Ryan: "It's okay Zizel, right?, but I have been informed about some of you being regularly late and you better buy a watch, cause the next time you don't come to class on time you will be getting a ticket straight to the principal's office"

Is he looking at me? Grate bad first impression Dan. Everyone is here divided in groups of Sun and Moon. We rushed to join John who was looking at me a bit pissed, I can't blame him but it's not my fault.

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