
Lisa just came back from her morning jog. She was able to get some air and clear her head. It's Sunday and everyone she knew is still recovering from a hangover. Her friends actually got involved in binge drinking and god knows what else. But at least they called to make sure she's still alive. About a thousand people went to Chace's party. The house is most likely destroyed. Lisa couldn't imagine what state of shock her parent's would be in if she did something like that. They trust her too much, it makes lying easy but the guilt hard to override.

It's a nice day, there's not a cloud in the sky. Her parents come home tomorrow. She has to pack away the Halloween decorations before she can go to the grill for a coffee. She considered inviting her friends to join her but their conversation was bitter.

"I can't believe you bailed last night, the party was so fun." Jessica's voice was croaky from screaming but you could still hear the excitement.

"You're kidding, right?" Lisa said disbelieving.

"Come on, last night was about revealing the new you."

"Well I'd rather stay as the old me that way I don't have to try so hard." Lisa won't deny that she's angry with Jessica. But the best way to get her mind off it was going to the grill, going alone wasn't a big issue. Caleb, the bartender is the type of company she looks forward to. They're really good friends.

Its six o'clock Lisa dressed in her blue skinny jeans and a striped sweater. She swung her leather satchel over her shoulder and drove to the grill.

"How was trick or treating?" Caleb asked wryly. He knows what she's been up to and she trusts him to keep it secret. They've known each other since forever. As far as Lisa could remember her childhood album was filled with pictures of Caleb and her.

"It was a bust. Melanie's mum sold me out. They're never going to leave me home alone again." Lisa said flatly. She took the tiniest sip out of her caramel latte and sighed.

"I could talk to them for you. I mean you're seventeen now, right?" Caleb offered as he shined the last wine glass.

"No, don't say anything. Sneaking out to the party was my stupid idea." She waved him off. Caleb was always sticking up for her. Her mum would be expecting him to jump in on this so it would be best if he didn't. That way maybe her mum would realize how sorry she was, and reconsider her punishment. Lisa looked exhausted just thinking about what would happen when her parents got back. She wished she didn't sneak out. It was such an irresponsible thing to do. Her mum was right in the end. She should have known better.

"Something tells me the party was shit." Caleb noted as he transformed into a waiter for the next shift. Lisa watched him for a while, scribbling orders onto a note pad, serving the steaming meals and refreshing beverages, clearing the tables of the dirty dishes and polishing them. He worked so hard. She could see why her parents liked him so much. He was a great influence in her life. He's definitely someone who she would never regret meeting. But as much as she liked him, they promised to keep their relationship on a friendship level, it was easier that way.

"A scotch, please." Someone claimed the seat next her, she could tell it was a guy because she recognized the smell of Calvin Klein, and the masculine tone of voice. She dared a glance. He was well groomed, wore expensive clothes and possessed the bluest eyes she's ever seen. He caught her staring and then they were face to face. That's when it suddenly clicked.

"You're the freak I saw in the woods." She accused. She has an exquisite memory of remembering people, especially the ones that stand out.

"You might want to lower your voice." Klaus murmured as several heads turned their way.

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