Bonus Chapter - Guide To The Soul Bound Excerpts

Start from the beginning

You might be thinking now, what is rarer then a dragon? They are prideful, powerful and strong. Many dislike, distrust or think themselves to much on a high respect. Though respectable creatures, some think themselves bringing down their greatness by bonding. Yet, they're more rare creatures that bond then dragons, hybrids.

Hybrids are a crossbreed of two species of creature. A snow leopard and a timber wolf for example. These creatures are either prideful or fearful. Some witches and creatures dislike hybrids, causing many to be fearful of bonding. Some hybrids ignore this bashing and think themselves better than most.

The Three Types Of Familiars;

Witch Bound or Magic Bound

Forever Entwined

Soul Dust

Witch bound and forever entwined are almost the same thing. A witch bound familiar was a creature called to the caster by a spell. The spell being most commonly called The Call. After the creature comes, they seal the bond with The Call's left over magic. This creature, after bound, cannot be destroyed as the witches magic and soul keeps it alive. A witches bound is a type of forever entwined.

A forever entwined is basically the same thing but they happen naturally without magic. The bond is not sealed with magic and soul but only soul. This means this familiar can be bound to any creature. The creature can be destroyed, but will be reincarnated and will repeat meeting their counterpart. The familiar and counterpart keep each other alive by soul. A forever entwined is what a witch bound is but without magic to put it simple.

A soul dust is a type of familiar that happens when a creature bonds with another creature. Unlike other familiars, it can bond with the same type of creature, even if it already has a familiar. It is not considered a familiar by most but it is best if I put this knowledge here.

A soul dust and the other creature's souls merge to form a deep bond with one another. This is one of the most powerful bonds. Not much is known of the soul dust, but it can also be any of the other soul bounds. This creature by itself can me destroyed physically, but a piece of its spirit will always be with the other creature.

Every creature has a forever entwined. The other two are just types of forever entwines. One with magic and one voluntary.


The Link And The Bond - For Familiars

For all familiars, all three types, a bond is formed if both parties except. A witch bound and a forever entwined are different with bonding than a souldust. With all though, the bond is intuitively felt any feeling of connection to another creature should be nurtured so it can continue to grow.

This one is mainly for a forever entwined. The creatures that do not know about familiars, say a lion and a gazelle, will subconsciously decide the bond. Depending on creature, personality, intuition and age. The lion might except the gazelle without knowing and just care for the other creature or decline the bond, the gazelle suffering a most tragic end.

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