Chapter Two,

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I woke up from my afternoon nap and brushed my hair. (She doesn't have ears or tail yet) I looked in the mirror and then went outside. I slowly opened my door to see a small brown string. It has a note on it. The note said 'follow me for your present.' I walked out and followed it, and noticed nobody was anywhere. I kept walking. And it lead to a giant sandstone church tower. I opened the giant door and was greeted with everyone screaming,

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!" everyone yelled. And threw confetti all over.

I smiled and asked, because I was completely confused, "What's going on? Why are we celebrating?" They responded by giving me a scroll.

I opened it and my eyes watered. I started to cry. 'Dear Dune, you have been invited to the Sandburrow clan and will be given our finest sand wolf, you can be treated with snacks at the food table.' The scroll said.

"T-thank you. . ." i smiled. "Thank you so much!"

"Come in here group-hug!" Everyone joined in and hugged me.


After the party I head home. And went to my room to lay down.

Suddenly there was a knock of the door. "Ring ring! It's Kalikai," I realized it was my freaking crush. He had brown hair and always wore a white cotton sweatshirt and black jeans. He had two gauntlets, he always wire them.

"Come in!!" I exclaimed. Completely brainfarting that I was in my PJ's. I wore a pink thin hoodie with nothing underneath and some black sport shorts.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" I asked, calmly. Then I noticed he turned red as a cherry, and stared at my ...... Those. And I didn't care.

"My eyes are up here." I said as I let him inside. He walked in and took his hoodie off.

"S-so um... N-neo. ?" He studdered. I looked at my outfit then my eyes widened. I was completely embarrassed.

"Ohmygoshimsosorryillgoputsonethingelseonomgomgomg....." I blabbered then ran upstairs and put on a normal armor of mine.

"Sorry! Is this better?" (The armor in title picture)

"Neo, you look. . . a-amazing . . ."


Muahahaaaaaa! I leave it here for now I will send you more tomorrow bye!

Iron Claw. Fairy Moon. (ON HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant