Physical Therapy and Amputation?

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Wills p.o.v

When I'm awakened by the sunlight shining through the blinds of the hospital I groan. It's been about a week since I woke up and so far I've been shot and stitched all the way up my left arm from where David had shot me. The time of being in the cell the wounds had been infected and when healed the infection had been stuck under the skin. The had to do immediate surgery to get it out. I was lucky to not have it amputated. Al will be having his right arm amputated, after trying to kill himself the bone that broke in his arm didn't heal correctly. I've heard from Uriah that Tris has been having panic attacks around some of the doctors when he or Susan aren't in the room. She doesn't feel safe alone with those people being around all of them at once scares her. They've been having a doctor named Dr. Scoon to stay with her all day so she can be more comfortable around her. So far it's been working Uriah can leave her alone with her for periods of time with him calling to check in so she knows that he's okay. He's been going through the house trying to find rooms for everyone. So far he's found one for me and has it already painted and finished. I picked out the furniture and colors and he painted it.

My room is pretty modern but I didn't really want a very extravagant room

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My room is pretty modern but I didn't really want a very extravagant room. Today I'll have to start physical therapy and if I can operate my arm I'll be able to go to our new home. That's why Uriah went ahead and did mine. He and Marlene are Sharing a room and he did there room too. Al is in physical therapy for another week so when we get home we will do his. My therapy starts at 10:00 and its 9:39 now so I need to take a quick shower. I press the nurse button to inform them that I'm awake and am getting ready. After I hear the buzzer click and the nurses voice I get up and walk to the bag Uriah packed for me. I grab a pair of  basketball shorts or whatever there called and a tank top so my stitches won't be rubbed on. I take a plastic cover to cover my arm and start the shower.

Tris P.O.V

I sit with Dr.Scoon and we talk about my injuries on my back while she does my shots when we get a call from Uriah.
"Hey Tris how are you doing?"
"I'm good. How about you?" My voice still scratchy from the screaming.
"I'm good. So your room at the house is in the making of being done. I was wondering if you wanted the bedroom next to it to be Aspen or across the bedroom?"

"The bedroom across." I reply

"Okay and is there a certain time you want it done?"

"Not anytime soon. She'll probably stay with me for a while."

"Okay well from what I've heard you can see Aspen in about two days. She will be able to walk without injuring her stitches."

"Great!! I can't wait to see my baby."

"I know so I'll send you a picture of your room. Tell me what you think okay."

"Okay I'll see you soon."

"See you later. Bye Tris."
I hear a ding go off and click the notification bar.

Oh my gosh it's beautiful!TrisUriah You guys did this! Thank you! Who else has a room with a window?

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Oh my gosh it's beautiful!
You guys did this! Thank you! Who else has a room with a window?

Whoever chooses the next 4 window rooms. So far it's just you. I think Susan got one and is working on it now. I think everyone is focused on private space but yours has curtains.

Okay well thanks! Can't wait to see Aspen and go home or a place to stay!

I know you are about a month and a half of you can operate your leg.

They are now saying that the muscles in my leg may have been so damages that they may have to amputate it......

Then both you and Al will be hop alongs!!

Haha very funny......

I've been texting him lately because my voice still needs to rest. Now with the chance of a amputation I will need all that I can get. They are doing a scan today to see if it needs to be amputated. I'm scared. The noise the machine makes shakes me. It bothers me. If it needs to be amputated it will be cut off an inch below my butt.

"In about an hour you will be going in for the screening or scan okay?" Dr.Scoon says.
"Would you see if Susan is with Robert I need help." I hate to admit it but my leg makes it hard for me to get dress or stand. I hate not being able to do anything on my own. Going to the bathroom is a struggle it's self. She takes my phone and calls Susan.
She miles at me. "Susan's coming."
I nod a and smile my thanks to her.

Susan is here in less than 5 minutes. Scoon leaves the room so I can have some privacy.
"Tris how have you been."
"Susan we aren't abnegation anymore, there's no need for that type of gestures." She laughs
"Force of habit dauntless." Dauntless has been her new nickname for me.
"Old habits die hard I say as she helps be to slip my shorts over my leg. They are booty shorts because the doctors don't want any material on my leg. She calls to Sally, Dr. Scoon, to come in the room. They help with the crutches the doctors prescribed I guess you could say. They said it would be better because I would be used to standing rather than sitting. I just think it's because they can see my  ass better that way. That's what Sally said anyway. Lets do this.

I know it's been forever can you forgive me...😁I know I'm not the best at times but I'll try harder!! 1023 words!! That's the longest I've ever done!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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