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Icekit scrabbled up to his paws as he opened his eyes to see nothing but darkness. He sighed in defeat, knowing full well that he wouldn't suddenly be able to see. Despite this, he still hoped that a miracle would happen. He was used to being blind, and he knew how to find the difference between scents and sounds. He wasn't hopeless, but his nagging mother wouldn't let him do what he wanted.

"Hey Icekit," he pricked his ears as he heard the sound of his brother Creekkit, "do you wanna play with me and Nightkit?" Icekit could pick up the sense of hopefulness in his brother's voice.

He nodded his head slowly, making sure there was nothing above his head that he might bump into. When everything was clear he responded, "Yeah, that'd be awesome!" He followed the scent of his brother out of nursery, but before he could make it out, he brushed past something warm that picked him up from his scruff. "Hey! Let go of me!" He struggled, letting out a desperate call of help.

He heard a mrrow of laughter, and he soon realized it was his mother, Willowclaw. "Careful where you step Icekit," she purred after setting him down.

"I don't need any help!" Icekit retorted stubbornly. Just after he said that he tripped over something, quickly realizing it was his brother, Shadekit's paw.

"He said 'I don't need any help!' Ha! What a loud of trout dung!" The powerful voice of Shadekit barked with amusement. He was quickly supported by giggles from Minnowkit, his minnow-brained minion. That stupid kit wouldn't be able to find the difference between a badger and a tree!

"Shadekit do not make fun of your brother! Especially in front of me!" Willowclaw scolded angrily. Icekit sensed that she had tightened her muscles in anger.

"Willowclaw, it's okay. It was just a joke. Right Shadekit?" Icekit meowed calmly, even though he was desperate to keep his mother and brother from arguing over nothing. How embarrassing!

"Your brother has no right to be teasing you."

"He has every right. He's my brother."

"Shadekit, apologize." Willowclaw ignored Icekit's latest statement.

"Fine, whatever. Sorry for trying to be funny." Shadekit mumbled. Icekit could tell his brother was looking at his paws, and was almost sure that he was rolling his eyes.

"That's better. Now Icekit, you can go play with Nightkit and Creekkit. Minnowkit, I expect you not be helping Shadekit tease Icekit just because he's blind."

"Willowclaw," Icekit started, placing his blind gaze at where her sweet scent led him to. "Thank you, but I'm no less capable of doing things than all the other kits. If I can't take being a kit, how am I supposed to be an apprentice, warrior-"

"You can't be a warrior! You're blind and that makes you far too incapable of doing dangerous jobs, and that's exactly what warriors do!" Willowclaw snapped.

"Then what am I going to do!? It's not my fault I'm blind! After all, you're the one who gave birth to me!"

Everything was tense for a few moments. Icekit gulped nervously. Did he say something wrong?

"You think this is my fault?" A low rising growl was now coming from Willowclaw. "Well then, maybe if I'm not you're mother anymore, your sight will magically return." Her scent drifted away from her, as did all feelings of love for him.

"No, please wait, I'm sorry!" Icekit bounded after Willowclaw, but she flicked him away with her tail. "Was it something I said?" Icekit pleaded, a rising note of desperation in his voice.

Sudden Sight [daladae]Where stories live. Discover now