Love in the air

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Tris POV:

After they remembered that I was a werewolf we continued to play for a while.  After we got done playing all of the couples (Four and I, Christina and Will, Uriah and Marline, Zeke and Shanua) went there separate ways. Four and I went to our meadow to hang out with each other. After we talked for a while we started to make out with each other and Four got to the spot that he was going to mark me one day and looked at me.  All I had to do was nod my head and he marked me, at first it was pain then it turned into pleasure. When he was done I got really tired so I made Four carry me to my bed so that we could sleep since it was time for bed anyways. When I woke up in the morning Four was still asleep so I got and went to go to work, but I left Four this note.

Dear my lovely mate Four,

I am sorry that I wasn't here when you woke up, but I had to go do some pack paperwork.  If you want to find me go to my office and if you don't know where that is then ask some body.

Love, you fabulous mate Tris.

After about and 1 1/2 hours there was a knock at my office door, "Come in." I just continued working and felt a presence behind me, and I knew it was Four because of his scent, so I started smiling. "Good Morning babe," I get spun around and I see Four and he ask me, "How did you know it was me?" laughing I say, "Your scent." He looked happy that I recognized and then he leaned down and kissed me.

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