My brother.

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Me and my brother,X went out into the town earlier. I had to go in somewhere to by my grandmother a birthday gift. When I came out of the shop,A few boys were picking on my brother. That I didn't let side,I told the boys that if I catch them hurting my brother ever again,they would suffer a painful and slow death.

They left shortly after. X acted so shocked that I said that,he asked me why I said that. I didn't reply for a while then I said that he is fragile and he's something I need to protect. He then asked me if I cared about him and if I started to care for anyone again......I said that we should continue shopping for grandmother before lunch, he nodded but I don't think he will let this go.

Me? Caring? I-impossible. I don't care..
Kuro: -cough-lies-cough-
Shut it Kuro.

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