She wasn't aware of falling asleep, but Amorette was certainly aware of waking.  A gentle knock on the door downstairs had her stirring a little, but it was the heavy thuds that followed a few minutes later that really shook the sleep from her eyes.  Amorette knew somehow that it was Aramis come for his letter.  She hadn't expected him to call this soon at all and Amorette scrambled out of bed and threw a bed coat on over her nightgown.  Answering the door would mean showing him the marks on her neck though.  Amorette hesitated for just a moment, wondering if Aramis would come back in a day or two.  Another thud at the door told her that he wouldn't.  She scanned the room with her eyes looking for a scarf or shawl of some sort to cover her throat but the first thing she landed upon was a broad pearl choker necklace.  Quickly placing it around her throat and catching the clasp Amorette rushed to the mirror and saw that the layers and layers of gems and pearls did indeed cover the marks on her neck rather well.  Amorette unrolled the sleeves of the gown so that the marks on her wrist were covered and then for the first time in nearly four days she unlocked her bedroom door and ventured out into the parlour.  As Amorette rushed down the staircase towards the door she contemplated that perhaps this was a good thing.  Once she had given Aramis his letter she was free to leave Paris and her father behind.

Gently opening the door just a few inches, Amorette's suspicions were confirmed.  It was indeed Aramis who stood before her.  "I'm sorry if I woke you Mademoiselle, but I knew you were ill and I was worried when you didn't answer after the first few knocks.  Should you be all alone if you're ill?"

"Oh nonsense I'm feeling a little better actually.  I just hadn't expected you so soon that's all."  Amorette pulled the door open fully to admit Aramis and stopped short.  Athos stood directly behind him.  He was clearly aware of the look of shock on her face and watched her for a few seconds more before touching the brim of his hat and nodding at Aramis and walking away.  Amorette couldn't help but stare at his broad shoulders as he retreated down the street.

"Sorry about that."  Aramis smiled apologetically.  "He was walking this way and I couldn't think of a valid reason for us to walk separately."

Amorette let Aramis follow her back upstairs into the parlour and presented him with the still sealed letter.  The marksman turned it over in his hands a few times before looking back up at her.  "You haven't read it?" Aramis questioned as he ran his fingers over the still intact seal.

Amorette shook her head.  "It wouldn't have been my place to read it.  I'm sorry for the delay by the way.  I don't know why it took so long to arrive.  The messenger should have been there and back in two days."

"Don't be ridiculous."  Aramis took her hand and squeezed tightly.  "If it weren't for you I'd have no letter at all.  I'm very grateful."

Amorette pulled her hand away quickly, well aware of the bruises that were hidden just beneath the cuff of her sleeve.  "I'll leave you to read it," she said as she took hold of her cousin's letter to herself and took it to her room to begin writing her reply.  It wasn't long before Aramis appeared in the doorway of her room with a forlorn look gracing his face.  Amorette knew then that the letter wasn't what he had expected it to be.  She turned around in her chair to smile ruefully at him.  "Well?"

Aramis shrugged and walking towards her he held out the letter for her to take.  "Perhaps Mademoiselle Amorette you may make more sense of it than I can."

Amorette uncertainly grasped the letter and held it, not sure whether it was right for her to read it or not.  Would Iseult mind her reading it?  "I thought you were good at this kind of thing Aramis?"  Amorette quirked an eyebrow and it was met with the ghost of a smirk from Aramis.  "There was me thinking you were the sensitive one that every madame in court pines after.  There was me thinking you were a ladies man?"

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