A Pochi-sitter

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-"Good morning, China-san, it's Japan. I'm terribly sorry to bother you in such an hour, but might you be free for the next few days?"

~"Ah, Kiku aru. I'm not really that busy, why? Did you need something aru?"

-"Um, that is the purpose of my call. I need someone to take care of Pochi while I have to run some important errands, but everyone else is too busy..."

~"Oh...I'd be glad to look after him then! I'll be on my way there now aru" he hung up the phone.

     China arrived at Japan's house with a rather joyful look on his face. Because Pochi is an adorable pup, who wouldn't want to take care of such a cute little thing? Even though he's more into pandas, but they're both really cute. Besides, it should be easier than caring for pandas, It'll be a piece of mooncake aru, he thought as he knocked on the door.

Then came out Japan, along with the small pup, he doesn't need to give a guide or instructions to the Chinese man from already knowing his skill in taking care of cute creatures. Himself included.

-"China-san, I'm sorry you have to do this, but I am very thankful. Please make sure Pochi is alright"

~"Don't worry, he'll be perfectly fine. Now go do those errands in peace aru"

     The Japanese man nodded and thanked China again before leaving. Pochi is in good hands, he told himself in his mind. Once he was out of sight, the Chinese man closed the door so the pup wouldn't run after his owner. China then picked up the little guy, who proceeded to wiggle his tail and licked the visitor's face. Letting out a happy bark afterwards.

~"Haha, you're so cute! But it's too hot in here aru." he said and put Pochi down to rub his face clean.

     China opened a window to let the cool air from the outside make it's way inside. He set his bag somewhere Pochi won't be able to reach, or else a sock or two will end up missing by the end of the day. The pup wasn't much of a hassle, the only thing Yao had to do was to feed him, give him water, and pet him, nothing else. Although he is forgetting something really important.

     All dog owners know they have to walk their furries outside at least once a day, so they can receive the call of mother nature. This was something that slipped from China's mind, so he couldn't understand what was going on when Pochi was scratching and whimpering at the door. His only hypothesis was that the poor guy misses Japan.

~"Aww, it's okay Pochi. Kiku will be back pretty soon" he pet him behind the ears. "It's getting late now, we should head to bed aru."

     The Chinese man was already set for the night's sleep, so he walked to the guests' bedroom, hoping Pochi would follow him. He, more or less, collapsed onto the bed and instantly fell unconscious. If only it was that easy for everyone to fall asleep in real life.

Whimper, whimper

     Pochi lowered his ears, needed to go so bad. It'll be impossible to hold much longer, so he had to conclude to the last resort. The window China opened earlier that day, at first it was meant to let fresh air in, and now it's the ticket for a dog's way out. Goodbye China, the pup would say if he could speak.

     The next morning, or should I say, next afternoon. Sleepy China woke up with a yawn, and stretched both his arms and legs.

~"Ahh, I'm getting old...my back hurts aru" he complained. "Good morning Pochi--...Pochi aru?"

     Japan's pet wasn't in the bedroom, it was such a shame, he was hoping to be woken up by friendly licks or a bark of excitement. The Chinese man shrugged, maybe he's still sleeping, or something aru. He scooted out of bed, cooked and ate 'breakfast', and lastly,pour some kibbles into Pochi's empty food bowl...but there was still no Pochi in sight. He normally rushes to the bowl to chow down his favorite puppy meal. Now was the moment that China began to worry.

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