"Finally," Link grabbed the chart, "Let's get this back to the skipper, and hope this isn't a wild goose chase."

"Why would it be?" You asked him as you navigated your way back to the pier.

Link looked at you funny, "He thinks the ship is invisible. Come on, really?"

You shrugged, "Anything's possible."

He just sighed as you met back up with the skipper, "Great, bzzt. Now, I think my ship could be right around here!"

For the next few years of your life, you grew to hate those words. The entire rest of the day the Skipper led you around the sand sea looking for his invisible ship that never seemed to be there. Just as you were ready to give up and let Link explode over the little robot, your boat ran head first into...nothing.

"That's it! That's my ship!" The Skipper cried out, "Link! Fire up the cannon! Try to hit it and turn off the cloaking device!"

Shaken out of his impatient state, Link quickly got behind the cannon and aimed for whatever was ahead of them as you took the helm. With a thundering roar, the cannon exploded behind you, whisking your hair as you ducked and it hit the invisible ship.

"Again!" The little robot yelled, clearly excited.

Link fired again, but the cannon ball hit the water with a splash. Taking a hard right and stepping on the accelerator, you sped the boat around at high speed trying to find the ship. Suddenly you rammed into it again, throwing everyone forward. Link quickly got back up and fired once more, with success at last, for the ship stuttered and halted as blue sparks travelled along it's hull making it visible again.

"Yes!" Link screamed to the skies, the feeling of adventure boiling in his veins. You could agree with his reaction. For a few moments in your life you felt what life was like as a pirate on the high seas, and realized how much this adventure was giving you.


Yeah... Like I said... I didn't sleep well last night, and I'm not entirely sure I will for many more nights to come. Every sound just set me on edge. When I woke up, every muscle in my back ached and was so tender to every movement. Koloktos really did a number on me. I must've not looked too good either, 'cause ___ asked me if I was alright and if I got enough sleep... I lied about that last part and I think she did too when I asked her about her night. Her eyes were a bit bloodshot and she wasn't as alert as she normally was. I really hope we can rest at ease a bit more the next few nights.

Well as usual the trial in Lanayru was just as terrifying if not more this time, but at least we got a new set of tools to help us on this journey. Since we only have one pair of clawshots, ___ has to cling to my neck every time we both want to get somewhere. I'm certainly not complaining... It makes me feel like a superhero! Part of me really loves Lanayru... The Lanayru that was past and not the present. I can only imagine what this ocean would have looked like when everything was lush and beautiful. I love watching ___'s face when we are out on the open waves at high speeds. She just lets the wind caress her face and comb her hair... And the fact that we are actually on a pirate ship makes things even more fun!


I didn't exactly have the greatest dreams last night... *shudders* ugh... I can't even put it in words it was so... horrifying. Let's just summarize it and keep it relatively PG... I was helplessly tied to a chair and forced to watch Ghirahim do whatever he wanted with ___. You know in dreams you can't just close your eyes and wish it wasn't happening, you have to face it. It's like your dreams are forcing you to cope with your fears. Ugh... I'm desperately trying to blink this out of my mind. I know It didn't happen, but it felt so real, and I've never felt so many emotions at once! Rage, depression, fear, defiance... None of them were good though. I woke up in a cold sweat, and rolled down to the floor. I prayed to the goddess on my knees for ___'s safety! I have to figure out how I can help her!


Well the basics of my project is practically done... I may have a few loose nails sticking around, but you can't blame me for my first attempt at this! I've really got only the components of the machine to design and construct. Lately I've been kinda lazy with the completion of things... I get into this zone, ya know when I work, and my mind starts to wander. Whenever ___ come into the picture, I never notice I've stopped until I shake myself out of it. *sigh* What is it about women that can do that to you? They're all mysteries the more you think about it.


It was like she had placed a spell on me instead last night! I tried to chase this sickening feeling away, but every time I look at or even think about ___ it returns! I hate it so much, but there is this fierce side of me that wants to keep my eye on her every second of their journey! What has this mortal done to me!? The lust I feel only grows... I've never been so determined to make someone my own before... The things I've been feeling these past few days have been haunting me. My chest hasn't felt this warm in ages! It... reminds me of my past... my 'human' past... Argh!! NO! That is the last thing I will ever turn back to! Demise came to me because of my past! He gave me power and authority at his side, and I will NOT let some piece of mortal flesh and blood interfere with that!! What has come over me!?!?

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