Chapter Five.

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Rose slowly, but surely found herself

Happily basking in health as her days of depression and self harm were over.

As Rose began to love herself, believe she was beautiful.

She believed that having a little extra was okay and she began to feel loved

Until one day, just one day, Rose found herself falling deep, down the abyss of the murky waters of self esteem as she found herself, not fitting into her dress as she found herself breaking down, as tears flowing down as she realized that she did not fit into her dress

As Rose panicked trying on other items in her closet findinng that a zipper popped and her hips could not take those pants as she became ever so more frustrated

Rose began to loath herself , angry at how ugly she had become to herself, as she did not fit her ideal image

And Rose drowned in the lakes of grief as she self mutilated herself to help with the pain,as for her the cutting was the drug to numb her senses for her

In fact, cutting was her depression, her liqour as Rose began to wear long sleeves in the month of July as the scars were too much to hide

Eat, Rose| Wattys 2016|Where stories live. Discover now