Chapter Two.

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When Rose looked at herself, she saw a girl with a few extra pounds, a girl who loved to indulge in the cakes and cookies

But all around her she was riduculed, looked to the side as she thought nobody would ever love a fat piece of junk as her. 

Rose thought of everything in the book, from diets to pills, but nothing seemed to work until

At last, our Rose thought up the most brilliant plan, as she thought, she could eat all she wanted

She ate all she wanted, binged on favorites , and stuck her finger down her throat

Tickling her throat as bile rose up climbing its way out of her

Rose would only do this months at a time, so once a month she could indulge herself, treat herself to food

But slowly, surely months turned to weeks as weeks turned to days and suddenly, Rose was binging left and right, throwing up left and right

Rose sank more and more into despar as her unhealthy habits grew and she sank into depression

Telling herself she was ugly, worthless,and fat as Rose found herself in her bathroom doing the unthinkable, as Rose picked up the razor and found herself deep underground.

Eat, Rose| Wattys 2016|Where stories live. Discover now