The case

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You walk into the abandoned prison, knowing that your client, James Ward had told you he'd seen some suspicious movements and sounds coming from inside. Even the occasional screaming. You walk through a few halls lined with cells, as you turn the corner, you here a gunshot and a sharp pain in your neck. You fall to the ground, gasping in pain. You look up to see a figure standing over you. Your gasps turn to screams as the drug from the dart flows through your bloodstream. " Well, what are we going to do with you?" The figure asks gruffly. He steps towards you and crabs your feet staging you away. The pain became unbearable, and as your mind begins to shut down, you remember no more

Mwhahahahahaha well that's where my dream ended. I know! Bummer right?! Well this will be continued. maybe even tomorrow and I do have plans for the next part

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