Yet the Feud Continues.....

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I survived! Ha ha ha 

How in the?! How?! 

Because I am the girl that lived. ;) 

Shut up. Smartie pants. 

In yo face, Tommy! The second time you failed to kill someone 

Aren't you a muggle?!  

Yep. You lost to a muggle! Bwahahahahahaha 

I hate you. 

Awww. I hate you, too!   


What? Valdy Baldy sad? XD I beat you! Ha ha ha ha 

Enjoy it while you can, muggle. 

What? You going to tickly me with the hair you don't have?? XD 

-__- Hahahah. Very funny. Atleast I have powers. 

Atleast I have a nose, and  HAIR, Baby! XD 

Yea, and I'm rude company.... Thats just doesn't fit. 

Whatever, bye bye! 

Filthy Muggle. 




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