Chapter Seven

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Calum walked into the dorm room, completely unsatisfied with how his date went. He thought that he would have had fun at least, but he didn't. At first, he thought Bryana was just shy and didn't know what to say, even though she didn't really strike Calum as that type, which it turned out she wasn't. They barely talked throughout the entire dinner and when they did, she was completely bitchy towards him. He didn't understand why she had been so flirty when he picked her up and then turned into something ugly.

"Your friend is a bitch. Now I understand why you're friends," Calum scoffed to his roommate.

Ashton looked up, taking his earbud out of his ear. "Neither of us are naturally a bitch. You are rejecting the idea that we simply don't like you."

"Oh, really, Irwin? You were there. You saw how she flirted with me when I asked her out. Don't give me that shit that she didn't like me at all," Calum spat at him, stripping off his shirt. That's when he looked at Ashton with the meanest glare anyone ever dared to give. "No, it's your fault. You told her all of this shit about me so she wouldn't end up liking me at all. What the fuck did you say to her? What lies did you spread about me?"

Ashton's face remained expressionless, which started to irk Calum. It wasn't that he was looking for a rise out of the asshole. He wanted the kid to stop being so proud of being an asshole. That's what really pissed Calum off.

"I didn't tell her anything but the truth, Calum. I do not tell lies, especially about something as petty as that. It was only a matter of time until she figured out that you were an arrogant lowlife that was only looking to get in her pants," Ashton told him, keeping a straight face the entire time he explained it.

"Just because I'm popular, hot, and have more of a chance than your faggot ass does with a girl like Bryana makes me arrogant? And that gives you the right to talk shit about me? I'll have you know, ass wipe, I didn't ask her out just to get her in bed. You think you know all this shit about me and you fucking don't. I'm not some fuck boy that goes around and fucks every girl I think is hot as fuck. So, before you judge me and tell these fucking lies, think twice. You're lucky I don't fucking strangle your gay ass," Calum spewed, pissed as all hell that Ashton was the one who jeopardized his potential relationship with Bryana. 

"I have dealt with people so similar to you that do just that when it comes to women. You objectify women and screw them because you think you're all that and then some. It's wrong. No, I don't know you, but I have heard enough and seen enough of you to know that you do treat women like they're a sex object. I saw the way that you looked at her; you looked at Bry like she was a piece of meat. She is certainly more than a toy. She's a beautiful, open-minded, smart woman that deserves someone better than you. Someone that treats her with the respect that she deserves," Ashton argued. "I know why she doesn't like you and it didn't involve me having to say anything. She doesn't like how you treat others, especially her friends. If you want proof of that, why don't you go and ask her yourself?"

Calum felt like that cartoon character with smoke blowing out of his ears. He wasn't going to stand for some weak nerd telling him what he was like when the douche didn't know anything about him. Before he could blow up at him, Calum stormed out of the dorm room, not caring that he was walking around without a shirt. He was going to find Bryana and he was going to find out why she treated him so rudely. If anything, him being shirtless would make her putty in his hands and maybe it would turn into some angry sex. 


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