Ch.14: I Knew You'd Come

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-Night-DD&THHB Hideout-
"Akio!" Hearing the female's surprised tone, the silver haired male glanced away from Yoon, who was bandaging his bleeding shoulder, with a forced smile.
"Oh, you both are back!" He cheerfully stated as Yona rushed up to him with a worried expression, Hak taking his own time behind her.
"What happened to you?" Yona questioned worriedly.
"Oh, Y/N and I got into a fight, it's no big deal." Akio stated, looking at the young princess assuringly.
"You're lucky it wasn't! She could've sliced a muscle if she had struck you any deeper!" Yoon snapped, clicking his tongue as he finished wrapping the bandage. "You two never fight, what was it about?" The blond questioned with a look of concern. Especially since there was no sign of the female half of the Gin dragon.
"Huh? Oh! She heard that our merchant buisness was beginning to plummet so she wanted to go take care of it. I tried getting her to stay for the villagers, see the outcome." Akio awkwardly laughed.
"You're lying."
"Oh, so you can detect lying?!" Akio frazzled as he sent a glare towards Zeno, who had just walked up to the mini camp with Jaeha by his side.
"It must be the dragon bond! Something doesn't add up with what you say and there's a weird feeling in my gut about this!" Kija stated from his position next to Shin-ah, the two sitting across from Akio.
"Akio, you're a really bad liar." Hak decided to place in his own two cents.
"Agh! But if I tell you the truth you'll all go on a murderous rampage!" Akio exclaimed, flinching at the slight pain in his shoulder and then sighing. "Y/N and I did get into a fight. She was given a letter earlier today, a request from the King for her help. I tried stopping her, when she went to leave, but she cut me with her blade and then knocked me out with the hilt so I couldn't stop her." He explained.
"To Su-won? Why would she want to go to him?" Yona wondered aloud, wide eyed.
"She wanted to get some sort of revenge." Akio sighed.
"That idiot can't fight all of those guards that are protecting that bastard!" Hak shouted in agitation.
"Mr. Gin doesn't believe that." Zeno said, looking at the group with a serious expression. "He would have been able to stop Miss Gin, seeing as how he's a lot stronger. So Mr. Gin has faith in whatever Miss Gin will do." He stated.
"Y/N is strong." Akio murmured. "And I know that she is able to protect herself no matter what. Don't you guys have faith in her as well?" He asked, looking at the group of acquired friends.
"Of course, but she can still be in some sort of danger." Yona worriedly stated.
"And her wing isn't fully healed yet either." Yoon butted in, looking just as worried.
"Her wing has been healed." Shin-ah spoke up.
"For about a week now." Akio nodded.
"Hah?! How come I didn't know this?!" Yoon shouted.
"I guess there's nothing that we can do, then." Jaeha sighed. "Other than to trust that Y/N will come back to us."

-Morning-Hiryuu Castle-
Y/N warily glanced around one of the large pillars inside of the palace, her silver eyes squinted as she watched a pair of guards walk by her, oblivious.
Snorting softly in mild amusement, she pulled the hood of her cloak over her (H/C) bangs and continued to sneak around the palace in order to find the young king.
Eventually, she paused at the front gate of the palace, looking a bit conflicted at what she saw. He was there, as promised in the letter, sitting down and looking like he was about to go into a meeting that could determine him life or death.
Y/N silently unsheathed her sword, flinching at the sight of Akio's blood on the blade she had yet to clean since she had been flying all night in order to get to the castle quickly. As she got closer to Su-won's back, she grunted as she felt a coldness press against her throat and an arm around her middle.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, scum?!" Snarled a man.
"General Joo-doh, please let my special guest go." Before Y/N could fight the man who had a sword to her throat, Su-won stood up from the marble bench he had been sitting on.
"Special guest?!" Y/N and Joo-doh shouted in sync.
Su-won chuckled and turned his head do that he was now looking at the two, making Joo-doh reluctantly let go of Y/N.
"I'm glad you came, I was afraid you wouldn't show up." Su-won stated gleefully, wrapping both of his hands around her one that wasn't holding the bloodied sword.
"I wouldn't have if Akio had ended up stopping me." Y/N scoffed, snatching her hand away from the blond and sliding her sword back into its sheath. "Of course, I came here to kill you, not to fulfill your order." She hissed.
Su-won held his hand up towards Joo-doh, who looked ready to strike Y/N down, and continued to smile kindly at the female. "That's why you came, huh? I thought so. You never did like being ordered around by Hak when we were kids." He stated.
Y/N clicked her tongue. "Leave our childhood out of this, your highness, I'm not going to help you with whatever it is you're planning." She stated bitterly.
"Oh?" Su-won blinked owlishly as he tilted his head like a concerned puppy. "Then, how about a wager? If I can't convince you that I'm a worthy leader, then you win, and you can go back to doing whatever you've been doing these past few weeks and I'll forget all about you." He smiled innocently.
"And if you do convince me?" Y/N quizzically asked.
"Then you help me, no ifs, ands, or buts." He said, looking completely serious.
"You're on." Y/N nodded in her agreement.
Su-won grinned and held his hand out to her. Y/N stared at his hand, unsure, before sighing and shaking it.

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