"I own you Brock whether you like it or not, I do. "

"Stephanie .. " I heard Paul trying to stop her as I felt my balled up fists clenching at my side .

"You know why I own you Brock? Because as long as Nikki is champion? You know she's vulnerable .You know I can make her life a living hell! And what happened out there was merely a preview of what I could put her through..Because Nikki Bella is like the Beast! She believes she is at the top of the food chain but everyone has a weakness. Yours what I have come to learn is 'Nicole' and hers? Well I am sure it is you, that is why you destroyed the medic room that night? Because poor Nicole was heartbroken because you chose the other team over her! "

" What the fuck is your problem? " I glared at her, she had really been watching all of our moments .

"You don't get to question me Beast! You may be Nicole's emotional trigger but unfortunately she handles you out there very well and turns it into a strength! So you better go running to Team Flair instead of congratulating your girlfriend! Or else I will make sure she feels the physical pain you most likely want to unleash on me! " She walked past me and I glared and immediately began throwing around everything in sight..

I expected her to be glaring at me which I first got as she opened her eyes.

I had arrived about an half hour ago to which Brie had been sleeping in the other seat, so when she woke up and saw me.

I guess me not being here before to be by Nicole's side upset her as well.

I didn't respond to anything she said because she was right..

I should have been strong for her before she went in cause even though she was fearless I knew even I felt a bit scared when I had to undergo surgery many years before due to the illness I suffered.

So if Brie was mad, I was sure my bitch would be as well..

Instead she smiled as her eyes glistened, "what took you so long?" She croaked.

I smirked and kissed her forehead before sitting down again.

"Had to get those" I nodded towards the balloons and flowers , Renee bought them for me to give to her as I had flown in with them.

After everything, they tracked me down after the show and Renee forced me to see a medic and let us go on the jet Hunter had apparently arranged for them.

She let her eyes travel and smiled as she saw it..

She still seemed a bit hazy as she stared at me.

I hated that I wasn't with her before , she lift her free hand and let it fall on my face as she touched it.

"I saw you pissed Stephanie off" she laughed and as she did I realized she probably never saw the rest.

"What's this?" I closed my eyes and leaned into her touch, I sighed as I felt her fingers tracing over the stitches...

I wasn't going to attack him while he got in because I was waiting for this shit ever since I broke his nose on the night I lost Nicole.

He had a fucking smile plastered on his face while I glared.

"I never got a chance to thank you for this" he pointed to his nose and I frowned but before I could do anything he slapped me.

That was a fucking mistake.

I immediately took him down and punched him hard making sure the fucker would be bruised. I delivered blows to his gut as well but soon felt officials on me again.

Fearlessly Loved By A Beast //BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon