"Starfire, you have a temperature! How do you feel?" Robin asked nervously. He never thought that Starfire was capable of being sick.

"A little dizzy..." She mumbled. Robin brought her an ice pack and put on her forehead.

"We have to beat your temperature, so you're staying in the bed today. I'll take care of you." He assured his fiancée and kissed her cheek.

"Perhaps it is simply a cold, you do not have to bother of me." Boy Wonder smiled and took her hand.

"But I want to. Is there something I could do for you to make your rest more comfortable my lady?" Starfire giggled at his act then gently embraced his neck.

"I'm fine, thank you. I just need some more sleep." Suddenly the alarm rang. Starfire knew that she can't stop Robin because of her little problem. The Jump City needed him more. She looked at him and then pulled away whispering quietly "It is the okay, go." Robin was hesitating but finally put his mask on making his way to the doors. He looked around and sent a kiss to his princess while disappearing in the hallway. Last words that Starfire heard from him were 'Titans, GO!', and shortly after she fell asleep.

During the sleep she had a nightmare. In this dream the Jump City was under attack by the flying monsters. The buildings were completely destroyed and streets were in flames. Starfire saw her friends fighting against the army of these creatures but she couldn't find Robin. After a while of flying around she found Boy Wonder and stared down into his eyes. He seemed exhausted and fell on his knees. Robin noticed Starfire and smiled saying "I'm sorry". Suddenly he got shot by the laser from some sort of a gun that one of the aliens pointed at the boy. Titan's leader fell lifeless one the ground. Those monsters were ready to attack him but Starfire knocked them down. She immediately flew to Robin who was bleeding from his chest and smothering with his own blood. Every single move was really painful. Starfire was crying heart out trying to help him but it was too late. Robin wiped some tears away from her face then his hand slowly fell on the ground and eyes closed. Exclamations saying 'FOR DARKSEID' were resonating in the entire city. Hearing Robin's final breath, Starfire woke up screaming his name. She was breathing deeply looking around the room. After a few moments of shock, Starfire realized that it was just a dream. The girl couldn't sleep anymore, so she went to the ops room and sat on the couch. She couldn't focus on anything; She still saw Robin's dead body laying in front of her. The worst to her was that Robin is out there right now and he didn't call since he went on the mission. Her worries were stronger with every minute, especially after what she saw in the nightmare. Suddenly the doors to the ops room opened and her friends showed up. Starfire immediately ran toward Robin and hugged him tightly.

"Oh, hey Star! You feel better?" He said hugging her back.

"I am glad that you are okay..." Boy wonder was confused and felt that something is wrong with his princess.

"Honey, are you okay?" She didn't answer still not breaking the hug. Robin took her hand and asked softly "Maybe you want to watch the movie in my room or something?" She just nodded in return. They both went to the room and laid on the bed. "So, what movie you want to watch? I have some..." Suddenly Starfire kissed him snuggling closely. Robin fell in tornado of very pleasant feelings. "That was awesome Star... What was that for?" She stared toward his eyes and started kissing him again. This time Robin broke the kiss short because he felt tears rolling down Star's cheeks. "Starfire, what's wrong? Come here..." Robin said embracing her tightly. "There we go. I'm here with you." She wiped away some tears and calmed down. After all the incidents that occured these past few months, she was still a little concerned about simple things. "I had a nightmare and... I saw your death." She finally explained. "Star, that's why you were so worried? It was just a dream, I'm here..." Boy Wonder stated trying to calm her nerves. Starfire remembered something about her dream and became pale with fear. "No... Do you remember about the invasion? Batman said a name... Darkseid. And that name... was in my dream too! What if saw the future!? Maybe somehow... I do not know... Robin, I cannot lose you, I just cannot..." Her breath was faster and deeper than usual; her speaking turned into a mumbling. "Starfire, listen to me... It was just a dream, I'm not gonna die and leave you. I promise you that I'll be more careful okay?"

"Okay... Robin?"

"Yes Star?" Starfire gently leaned toward his face and placed her lips on his. "I love you." She said sweetly.

"Oh Star, I love you too" Robin replied softly and smiled.

"You are the most understanding person in the world... and I believe I know the reason of my sickness." She started twiddling her index fingers nervously. You could see that she was a little ashamed of what she was about to say.

"What is it Star?"  Robin asked curiously.

„Well... Tamaranean physiology works far different than human's. I was not sure until now, but... The only reasonable explanation is my pre..."

Suddenly Robin's communicator turned and cut Starfire in the middle of the sentence. It was Batman. He just shouted loudly: "The invasion has already begun!"

Robin looked at Starfire and they both immediately ran to tell the others. All Titans went to protect the city.

You're my everything 2 (Robin and Starfire)Where stories live. Discover now