Caroline whimpers, "No, no more, please, no more!"

Elena stands up, "Alaric stop!" she orders, but Alaric pushes Elena back into a seat. "Sit down! This keeps the vervain in her system. It's like inhaling razorblades with every breath."

Alaric places the cloth back on Caroline's mouth. Her skin begins to smoke and burn and her cries echo throughout the entire room.

"Why are you doing this?" Elena asks, rubbing her arm. "To make it easier on you when you put her out of her misery." he replies.

Alaric picks up the white oak stake and walks towards Elena. "What?! No!" she screams.

"Isn't this what you wanted, Elena? For me to teach you how to kill a vampire?" Alaric says and holds out the white oak stake towards her. "Well, here's a vampire, Elena. Kill her."

"This isn't what I want." Elena breathes.

"Of course it is. All those hours you spent training, getting stronger, you could be a hunter, Elena. But you've never actually staked a vampire through the heart."

Elena remains still. "No? You don't feel like killing today? I knew you were the weakest link, so what about your sister?" Alaric turns to me, "after all, she's had far more practice and motivation to kill these blood sucking creatures."

"I'm not going to kill her." I tell him while he releases me from his traps. He pulls me out of my seat and grabs onto my arm, pulling me forward. "Oh, but you will. And you will prove to me that letting Klaus go was a mistake and that you're capable of living up to the vampire-hunter title."

"I don't have to prove anything to you." I retort.

"Why are you doing this?" Elena asks. "Because you need me," Alaric looks at me, "both of you need me... because you two are eighteen-year-old girls without parents or guidance or any sense of right and wrong anymore."

Elena walks over to Caroline, "Look at you. How is this right?!"

Alaric points to Caroline with the stake. "She's a murderer. She told me she killed someone and liked it. Now how is that right? Listen guys, your parents led the council. It was their life's mission to keep this town safe. They weren't dead six months before you undid it all."

"You don't know anything about them." I sneer. "Why, am I wrong? Do you actually think that they'd be proud of you?" Alaric kneels down in front of us.

"If you don't side with the humans, you're just as bad as them. Now kill her." Alaric hands me the stake. "Or I'll do it for you and I'll make it hurt. Get over here!"

Alaric grabs my arm and pulls me toward Caroline. My fingers wrap around the stake, "Fine. You want me to kill a vampire?" I ask him and he nods. "Then let's start with you." I aim toward his heart, but his hand catches my wrist before it could pierce his skin.

"I thought I taught you better than that." he taunts.

"You did."

The sound of glass breaking jolts my body. The remaining pieces fall from my hand and the vervain from the beaker absorbs into his skin. Alaric screams in pain as his flesh starts to burn. I immediately run backwards while he's distracted. Elena releases Caroline and urges us to leave.

"Get help!" Elena yells.

Caroline speeds out of the classroom and I race behind her. I hear Elena's footsteps behind me but my main focus was getting out of here without a scratch.

I stop myself in the middle of the hallway, regaining my breath. Elena was no longer behind me and I begin to feel guilty for leaving her. I start to walk back to the classroom, knowing I couldn't let her handle this on her own.

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