Chapter 10

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//Madison's Pov\\

I opened the door, and walked in. Hunter seemed to snap out of his thoughts as soon as I walked in, because he hopped up and yelled "YOOOO WHAT'S GOOD SHANIQUA!!!" "YOOOOO WHAT'S UP PETUNIA?!" I yelled back in his face, as I laughed. "So, I was thinking that we could broadcast, and maybe do some challenges and prank calls later?" He said to me. "Yeah, that'd be fun!!" I said back. A few seconds later, my stomach growled really loud. (growled? rumbled? 🐸☕️😂) "Jesus Madison, are you hungry?" Hunter said sarcastically while laughing. "Actually I am, I didn't eat dinner." I told him. "WELL THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, GRAB ONE OF MY PENNY BOARDS, AND WE CAN RIDE TO MCDONALDS." He yelled, excitement clearly raging in his voice. "After we get back, and finish eating, we should go live." I said, after the idea popped into my head. "Yeah, we will." He said. We both grabbed our boards, or should I say Hunter's boards, and walked downstairs. "Mom, can me and Madison ride to McDonalds to get something to eat?" He asked, like a sweet, innocent child. "I guess, but please be careful. Also remember, if you get in any trouble, your last name is not Rowland, it is Lewis." She said, joking at the last part. "Alright guys have fun!" She said as we walked out the door, after thanking her. McDonalds was only two blocks away, past the exit of the neighborhood, so the ride shouldn't be long at all.


The ride was even shorter than I expected it to be. We rolled onto the sidewalk, ordered our food, picked it up, and then left. I had the bag of food in my hand, and Hunter was holding the two drinks. Hopefully, neither of us drop anything on the way home. 


When we got home, we sat down on the couch and ate while we watched Spongebob. We both got 10 chicken nuggets with fries, and Pepsi to drink. We finished our food, and walked upstairs to broadcast.  Maybe Brandon and Ashton will join us.

Promise (hbr) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat