Another Day In Hospital

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This is going to be such a short chapter

It's not going to be long sorry but it's just kinda a filler. I hope you enjoy and yeah, the an is at the start because I want to apologise. My last chapter/post/AN explains well kinda explains why it's short


Andys pov

Aubrey has been in hospital for almost a week now and today I'm going to visit her again. I'm going at lunch time because that's the only time I can go today as mum think I spend too much time at the hospital with Aubs.

Kylie has told me Evreything and kept me updated and Aubrey seems to slowly be getting better, but that's just my opinion, I'm no doctor am I? I found out that Aubrey hasn't been eating but the doctor are making her eat which I'm sure isn't good but it might be.

Aubreys PoV

The past week I've been stuck in hospital with the same boring white walls, the horrible hospital food which I've been made to eat, the drip in my arm and a counsellor coming to talk to me.

The counsellors trying to get me to talk to them was beyond a joke they no nothing about how I feel or why I feel it so why are they trying? It's a waist of their time.

'No Aubrey, your thinking negatively' I think to myself, I told myself I had to be positive and then I would get better but right now; well right now I felt I was never going to get better.

Mums been here all the time apart from work, when mums at work David would be here and even they both were at work Gran would be here. Andys been visiting a lot and I like it, he makes me feel normal and we don't talk about me being in here, we have our usual pointless conversations.

I have been awake since 5am and wasn't able to sleep, my phone was beside be on charge so I reach for it and unlock it. I sign when I see my dad has text me, no not David. My birthdad, he wants to come to see him,, I don't the doctors not to let him in because who would want a useless dad to visit them in hospital.

The doctors still haven't said said the when I can leave the hospital, but they have said im slowly putting on weight and the councillor well she's annoying.

I can't wait until I can leave here and go home. I miss my bed and friends so much

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