Weekend To Remember

Start from the beginning

"Here you go, kids," Wish said as he handed over the ice creams.

As they were walking down the sidewalk, Daniella was about to lick her treat, but she tripped, causing it to fall to the ground. The little girl stared at the splattered ice cream and tears welled up in her eyes. She began to cry.

Wish bent down. "Here, you can have mine."

Daniella stopped crying. She looked at him and smiled. "Thank you, Tito Wish." She took the ice cream and began licking it. "How about you?"

"Nah, your smile is all the ice cream I need."

Roxanne's heart swelled.

To pick their own strawberries, they had to pay 350 pesos per kilo. They were given three baskets to load with their pickings.

Wish taught the twins to twist and pull upwards and they easily got the hang of it.

Roxanne started picking at the far end of the field. She turned her head to look at Wish, who was busy assisting the kids.

She imagined he was walking toward her with a sweet smile. He would tell her to open her mouth. Once she did, he would rest one of the reddest strawberries against her bottom lip, tracing the curve of her mouth with the tip.

She imagined that she would try to close her mouth, but he would beg her to keep it open, entrancing her with the fragrance of the ripened fruit. Just when her lips were puckered enough with desire, he would take the strawberry away and nip off the tip of it with his teeth, placing the end in his mouth, and then as Roxanne's mouth followed the action to find the strawberry, he would place his mouth there instead, and—

"Hey, you okay?"

Roxanne's reverie was shattered by the gentle voice of Wish. Her eyes came back into focus, and she saw Wish standing there, watching her.

She chuckled. "I was....I was just enjoying the view."

Wish nodded and went back helping the kids.

Things continued to ease between them as they toured around Baguio.

Wish took them to his family's house for dinner. He nervously pulled into his parent's driveway

As soon as he turned off the vehicle, Wish's parents came out of the house.

"Oh, you must be Roxanne." Precious, Wish's mother, kissed her on the cheek. "Look at her, Paco, she's gorgeous."

Roxette looked over at her daughter, furrowing her brow in amusement.

Wish was turning beet red.

"My, Dy, this is Tita Roxette." He introduced Roxanne's mother.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs..." Paco, Wish's father, extended his hand and trailed off, not knowing how to address her.

"Roxette is fine," she replied, and took his hand.

"And you can call me Precy," Wish's mother said, smiling brightly and giving her a friendly hug. "It's lovely to meet you," she added, stepping away. "So you must be your mother's cute little angels?" Precy bent down to the children's eye level and smiled fondly at them. "And what are your names?"

"My name is Daniella. Mano po." She took Precy's hand and brought it to her forehead.

"And you are?"

"I'm Maximus!" Maximus took her hand to make mano too.

Precy beamed and ruffled his hair before she stood up.

"I hope you don't mind us barging in. Your son was kind enough to invite us to your home. He said you cook the best Pinikpikan," Roxette said.

"Of course not, but the Pinikpikan, I think I'm doing a good job," Precy couldn't hide her smile on her face as she looked at her husband's fat belly. "Any friend of Wish is a friend of our family. Come inside, dinner will be ready soon," Precy beckoned as they walked into a warm, delightful-smelling home.

They gave a quick tour of the inside, showing them the kitchen and living room. The inside of the house was just as beautiful as the outside, and Roxanne couldn't help but smile at the number of family photos the Gregorios had hanging on their walls.

Roxette and Roxanne helped Precy set the table while Paco took the kids to their small backyard farm where his children were.

"Table settings?" Wish asked, surprised. "Just how special is this dinner going to be, My?"

"Roxanne is here, that's how special it is."

Roxanne flushed as she cleared the awkwardness out of her throat.

Soon, the Gregorios, Roxette, Roxanne and her children were seated around the large mahogany table in the dining room.

As they started their first course, Precy asked, "So how's your Baguio tour?"

"Well, it was tiring, but enjoyable. We really had fun today, and tomorrow's itinerary will be at Burnham Park and Baguio Public market to buy souvenirs," Roxette said.

After dinner was finished, Roxanne helped clear the table. She took the plates to the sink and started washing dishes.

"You don't need to do that, Roxanne," Precy assured her. "Really, just relax."

"I don't mind," she smiled.

"Your mother taught you well," Precy said, and stepped out of the kitchen.

Wish quickly made his way over to help, grabbing a towel to dry the plates.

"My family seems to like you. Let's not get carried away, okay? It's not because I don't want to," Wish said.

Roxanne just shook her head and chuckled in response.

Wish made sure their trip to Baguio was relaxing and comfortable. It was a weekend to remember.

Their journey to love might not be an easy one, but he'd make sure it would be a memorable trip.

Filipino Terms:

Taho - Fresh soft/silken tofu, arnibal, and sago pearl.

Naimbag a bigat - (Ilocano dialect) Good morning

Mano - A gesture to show respect to the elder by pressing one's forehead to back hand of an elderly.


Is this the beginning of romance between Wish and Roxanne? Find out next! Thanks for reading!

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