Mr. Right?

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"H-hey..." She said quietly. "What are you doing here?" There was a twinkle in her eye that said she was surprised to see as she stepped outside the building, walking toward Wish.

"Hey Foxy," he said softly, matching her tone. One corner of his mouth twitched up. He walked up to her, a takeaway cup of coffee in one hand and her ID holder in the other. "I came to give you this."

Roxanne's eyes went wide. She immediately grabbed her IDs from his hand and stuffed them into her blazer's side pocket. She slightly pushed him away from the gawking security guard.

His eyebrows quirked in amusement.

"Thank you," she said, glancing sideways to manong guard.

He shook his head at her, bemused.

"I noticed employees here use their IDs to get in. How did you—?"

"Ssh!" Roxanne covered his mouth with her hand. "I had to be resourceful, okay?" She removed her hand.

He smirked at her over the rim of his coffee as he took a sip, but he could see the lines of tension around her mouth.

"What time do you get out?" he asked, all seriousness.

There was a beat of silence. He met her gaze steadily, dropping the jovial attitude.

"6 A.M, why?" Her heartbeat started to skip.

"Would you like to have some breakfast when you're done?"

Another question asked. Another heartbeat skipped.

For the first time ever, someone genuinely approached her and asked her to go out, despite the fact that he knew someone like her could have demands.

Roxanne always felt unworthy to date, because of the "baggage", as some have put it.

But to Wish,she was Roxanne. Not a girl with a history of a relationship that didn't work out.

"Breakfast?" she repeated.

He bit his lip. "Yeah."

Roxanne felt like just a look from him was enough to unravel layers of self-doubt, fear, and insecurity.

She thought he was a wonderful man. He was charming, handsome and everything she should've wanted in a guy. There was just one problem. She was in love with someone who had disappeared from her life.

She was immune to men in bars because of him, Chris, the guy she couldn't get out of her head. Her first love and the father of her children. But he'd left her. He didn't want her...didn't want them. It was the uncertainty that hurt the most; everything that had once felt so right now seemed almost imaginary. Regardless of the fact that nothing would come of mourning for someone she'd never really had, she couldn't bring herself to forget Chris.

"Wish, I-I can't keep you waiting," Roxanne shook her head. "I still have two more hours to go. Look at you. You look sleepy."

"I'm willing to wait."

"No, you don't have to." Roxanne shook her head. "Thanks for dropping by and bringing back my ID. I really appreciate it."

Someone who had her trust issues wasn't going to take a chance with anyone. Joining the speed dating event was just for fun. She couldn't afford the risk in her life right now.

"Remember, I'm trying to delay the inevitable. So don't spoil it. Not now. Not yet," Wish said, seriously.

Suddenly, Roxanne's phone rang. She furrowed her brow as she went to answer it. "Yes, Mina?"

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