Chapter Five: A Crazed Day in Hell With Quinn

Start from the beginning


LOL! Nah, it ain’t even like lil ma. These niggas paranoid and don’t believe that I got my girl in the car. Come on, ma, just come in for a little while. I won’t let anything happen to you.


Alright, fine but if I die I’m coming back to haunt you for the rest of yo life.



With a sigh I unlocked the car door and opened it. Stepping out I look around cautiously waiting for a bullet or a lightning bolt to strike me dead. When nothing hit me, I started up the sidewalk. All eyes were on me as I walked up the steps to the porch. Niggas lounged around on the porch like it was their home. Others watched me closely with male appreciation. Ignoring them I continued up the stairs and opened the screen door quickly. The quicker I got into the house the safer I’d be. As I stepped in I collided with a guy in black. All I saw was a glimpse of black before I was stumbling. I had barely steadied myself before he opened his mouth and started his first colossal mistake.

“Watch where the fuck you’re going!” he shouted as he stepped back.

I looked at him and took my slow time examining him. He was a fine piece of dark chocolate with an attitude that I fully intended to put in check. From the top of his hat to the bottom of Jordan’s was fresh. Swagg was the word to describe his baggy Coogi shirt, blue jeans and chains. I didn’t normally like dark chocolate but he looked good. He reminded of Tyrese Gibson a bit, the only difference being that he was younger and he had lite green eyes that were stunning compared to his complexion.

“No nigga you watch where the fuck you’re going! I don’t know who you think you talking to like that but it sure as hell isn’t me,” I retorted.

He looked me over with a glint of anger in his eyes. “Little girl…”—I stared at him with outrage. Little girl? What the fuck? I wasn’t the one who had started this fiasco to begin with. This nigga needed to get ahold of himself before I went upside that big head. — “…I don’t know what the hell they’re teaching you these days but you better get your shit together. I do not tolerate disrespect—“

I cut him off without hesitation. “You started this shit so you can shut the hell up. I don’t give a fuck whether you tolerate disrespect or not. Nigga you disrespected me with that rude as shit that you started. I will beat the shit out of you and if I can’t I know someone who can. So don’t come at me with this fucking bullshit. A simple, “Excuse me” would have made all the difference,” I snapped. “I don’t tolerate bullshit or disrespect from anyone so get that shit straight!”

He blinked as he stared down at me with a dazed look. He probably couldn’t believe that I was talking to him the way that I was. It didn’t matter to me. He deserved that set down. Being disrespectful to me and shit and then thinking I was going to be scared of him. He had me bent and twisted. I might be scared of Baits Street but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t still throw down with disrespectful muthafuckas like him. Telling me to watch where the fuck I was going. That nigga had it all wrong. He was the one who was coming out the door. He should’ve been watching where the fuck he had been going.

“I don’t believe this shit,” he said addressing the room as a whole. “I never thought the day would come where little girls—“

Quinn cut him off with a short bark of laughter. “This is the shit I’ve dealt with ever since I’ve met her. I’ve been trying to pull it in but it doesn’t seem to be working. She’s just too disrespectful.”

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