Chapter Four: Game On

Start from the beginning

“Game on,” I said and leaned up kissing him on the lips briefly before walking away.

He thought he was going to win but it’d be the opposite I was going to find me a hottie to kick it with. I wondered how long he’ll sit there waiting for me to come back. I grinned and started towards one of the guys that I had saw earlier. As I walked towards him I made sure I caught his eye and headed straight past him. I took five steps counting in the back of my mind as I waited for him to make his move.

“Hey sexy,” he said following me.

Turning around with my game smile, I looked him over admiring his hair cut and his smooth mocha brown skin. His dark brown eyes glinted with interest. “Hey,” I said throwing my hair over my shoulder.

“What’s your name, sexy?” he asked.

“Carmen but you can call me Cari,” I said. “What about you?”

“Derrick,” he said. “You can call me whatever you want.”

“Alright, Derrick, who are you here with?”

He grinned. “My boys,” he said. “I’m scoping and I must say you’re the baddest bitch I’ve seen in a while.”

“Really?” I asked.

He nodded his head. “You’re rocking the hell outta that outfit. You should come chill with me and my boys.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Maybe I will,” I said hearing an all too familiar voice coming from a few tables away.

When I turned and looked the first thing I saw was Eric with his hands and mouth all over some bitch. In the same booth was Tre and he was sitting with the same girl Felicia. Jaden was with the same two women from the night before. Looking at Eric I narrowed my eyes and turned away. I’d chill with these random niggas and sooth my hurt. I couldn’t believe these niggas. I needed to get over what he was doing to me. I needed to get over my crush on him.

“Yo lil ma I can’t believe you did that shit fa’real,” Quinn said from my right side.

I looked at him with a slight smile. “What?” I asked.

He shook his head and placed his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side.

“Hey, Derek,” he said leaning down and brushing his lips over mine. “I see you’ve met my future wifey.”

Hold on I know this nigga didn’t just say what I think he did. Last night hadn’t meant that much to me. I wasn’t picturing being with this nigga. He needed to get his shit together. I couldn’t believe that he was saying that shit fa’real. This wouldn’t be any fun. The game had just started it wasn’t supposed to be ending anytime soon.

“You two are an item?” he asked incredulously. “’Cause lil ma sure ain’t acting like it.“

“We’re not yet but we might be soon. Lil ma has my interest and I don’t need any niggas trying step in and swoop her up. So no disrespect but on some real talk I’m gone have to ask you to back the fuck back,” he said wrapping his other arm around me as he pulled me into a hug.

I looked up at him with narrowed eyes. “Hell naw, nigga you can’t be doing shit like that! I’m not—“

He mouth came down on top of mine and his lips began to move smoothly over mine as he drew me into the kiss. I pulled away as I thought about what he was saying.

“You can’t be—“ I started to say.

He shook his head and brought one finger up to my mouth silencing me. “Listen here, lil ma. I swear ain’t no female ever did me like you just did. I ain’t gone lie. It’s been one hell of a day and you already got me ready to make you mine. I love that sassy attitude of yours and how real you are. You don’t hesitate to speak your mind or anything. If I wait I’m leaving time for another nigga to swoop in and take you and I don’t want that so let’s get something straight. Lil ma you’re going to be mine. You’re going to be the girl in my life whether you believe it or not. So you need to forget about all these knuckleheaded niggas.”

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