Chapter 2 One Week Before The Concert

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^^^^^ Picture of Edward Porras up top ^^^^^

Chapter 2 One Week Before The Concert

Emily's P.O.V.

I heard my alarm going off telling me it was time to get up and get ready for school. Thankfully its thursday and almost the weekend. I got up and grabbed my phone I saw it was 5 am and turned my alarm off. I stood up and went to wake Elijah, Elliot, Ethan, Eren, and Erica up. We all have a younger sibling that we help get ready for school in the mornings so we have to get up at five so we can get completely ready and then get the younger ones ready. Elijah isn't in school anymore right now but he still helps out at home. We all went to the family closet and got our clothes for today.

Some of us had to take a shower while others went straight to their rooms to get ready. I jumped in the shower real quick. Once I was finished I got out and dried off. I threw on a Nirvana shirt with blue jeans. I dried my hair and went to my room. I went to my closet and grabbed my black vans and two random socks out of the crate thing I have that is filled with my socks. I put my socks and shoes on and then went to my vanity and did my makeup. I put on foundation, liquid eyeliner, and mascara.

When I finished my makeup I grabbed my backpack, threw my Calculus homework inside along with a pair of headphones, my wallet, keys, phone charger, makeup bag, and my history book. I grabbed my phone seeing it was 6:05. I went into the hall and left my backpack at the top of the stairs. I went to Eva's room and quietly woke her up making sure to not wake up Evelyn. She got up and I grabbed her shoes and socks out of her closet and we went to the family closet. She picked out a pink dress with black leggings. I grabbed the clothes and she ran upstairs to my room. I laughed and followed her. Once we were in my room I helped her get dressed and then put her socks and shoes on. I put her hair in two french braids and then told her to go get her backpack and jacket for Pre-K.

I grabbed my backpack from the top of the stairs and went downstairs to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and saw that Aunt Tessa was here and she cooked breakfast for literally everyone. I squealed and hugged her. She chuckled and hugged me back. I helped her set the table for the people who were awake. I set out 13 plates, 13 cups, 13 forks, and 13 napkins. Aunt Tess then went around the table dropping 2 eggs on each plate. After she had already done the first five plates I went the same way as her dropping 3 pieces of bacon on each plate. When she finished the eggs she grabbed the hashbrowns and went around dropping hashbrowns on each plate. I grabbed the toast and put two pieces on every plate. Once we finished making the plates Eva and everyone else came in to the kitchen. Once they saw the food and Aunt Tessa they dropped their bags and ran to her to hug her. She laughed and hugged every single one of them and kissed them on the cheek.

After the reunion with our aunt everyone sat down and started eating. I asked who wanted orange juice. The older kids rose their hands and the younger ones all yelled "Milk!" Aunt Tess and I laughed and went to the fridge. She grabbed the orange juice while I grabbed the milk. I poured milk into Emma's cup, Efren's cup, the triplets cups, and Eva's cup. Aunt Tessa poured orange juice into everyone else's cups.

After everyone finished eating breakfast I saw it was 7:29. I jumped up and said," We got to go or we are going to be late!" Everyone jumped up and put their dishes in the dish washer hugged Aunt Tessa bye and we all jumped into the separate cars. Elijah drove the younger kids to the elementary school while I drove the older kids to their school . I dropped Erica and Eren off at the middle school and then drove to the high school.

I pulled into the parking lot and the boys got out. I told Elliot and Ethan bye and we all went our separate ways. I went to my locker and saw my best friends Eric and Taylor standing there talking. I hugged them and then pushed them from infront of my locker. Eric laughed and Taylor faked gasped. I opened my locker and then turned around saying," Don't pretend like this is anything new Tay. This happens literally almost everyday." She laughed knowing I was telling the truth. She then said," Guys so guess what" "What?" "My godfather got us all front row seats for the 5sos concert next week!!" I squealed and started jumping up and down and said," Really?!?" She nodded her head really fast also squealing and then she said," That'a not all though. He got us VIP backstage passes! We are going to be able to actually meet the band!!!" I screamed and said," Really?!? OH EM GEE!!" I hugged her and then squealed a little more. 

After our little celebration in the hall the head cheerleader and her minions came up to us and said," Look what the geek squad brought out. These two, Why don't you two quit trying to get into Eric's pants and actually let him speak for himself." I replied with," He speaks for himself all the time. And why don't you just give it up Tiffany. You've been trying to get with Eric since we were all in Pre-K. He chose us then and still does now. We aren't trying to get in his pants because well for one he's Tay's cousin and two he's like a brother to me." Then Eric added," Tiffany just stop. You and the entire school already know that I have a girlfriend for 1 and 2 that there never was nor will there be an us. Plus Em has a point I've chosen these two over you since day 1. So bye Felicia." She made this weird sound and then she stormed off. Her minions did the same following after her. Tay and I started laughing and we said at the same time," Eric that sounded sooo gay!"  We hunched over holding our stomachs because of how hard we were laughing. Once Tay and I calmed down Eric then said," I know it sounded gay.. That my friends was on purpose." Tay and I giggled then locked arms with Eric and I said in a really fake voice," So like afterschool we should like go get our like nails done" "and then we can likr go get our like hair done" Tay added. Then Eric said," Omg tots and like after that we can like go like shopping" we all busted out laughing as we walked to class.

■Lunch Time■

I was walking out of calculus when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see it was my brother Elliot. We laughed and I kept walking. As I turned the corner I saw the head cheerleader and her minions ganging up on Taylor. I walked over there and pushed myself through them to get to Taylor. I got in Tiffanys face and said," Why don't you go find someone else to mess with and leave my friends alone." She scoffed and said "as if. I don't listen to you remember I'm queen b around here and all of you are just my servants." I laughed and said,"Don't you wish that was true though? Just cause you're the head cheerleader doesn't mean anything. Some of us actually plan on finishing and graduating high school, so sorry to cut this short but we have food calling for us. Bye!" I grabbed Taylor's arm and pulled her through the girls and down the hall. When we are finally out of sight I let go and asked her if she's okay. She says yeah and we lock arms and walk toward my car meeting up with Eric and his girlfriend for lunch.

We got in the car and I drove us to Panda Express.

We ordered our food and once we got it we got back in the car and went back to school. I parked my car and everyone got out. We went to our usual lunch hang out spot which is under the tree by the football field.

We all sat down and started eating. "Hey Tay and Eric, so this weekend shopping to get a new outfit for the concert next week?!" "OF COURSE EM!" "Awesome!! So friday yall wanna stay at my house?" "Will Elijah be there? Or Elliot? Or Ethan?" I looked at Eric and said "of course!" "Okay good cause if not then I wouldn't be able to stay the night.." "I know Eric, no worries!"

"EEE, I'M SO EXCITED I CAN'T WAIT!!!" We finished eating right when the bell rang for class. We all got up and threw away our trash. Tay and I hugged Eric and his girlfriend telling them that we'd see them afterschool and we all went to our separate classes.

To be continued........

Please Vote and Comment and tell me how you like the story so far!!! And I promise it is a 5sos fanfic!! They just come in at a later chapter!!!

[-] Amber [-]

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