Chapter nineteen - Mess of Emotion.

Start from the beginning

That's when he kisses me, nothing too passionate, his lips were soft and plump and I'm surprised I didn't melt but I did feel tens of thousands of sparks and butterflies coursing through my veins then he pulls away and looks me in the eye again 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. That didn't mean anything. It was just in the heat of the moment. I should... I should go. Just forget that even happened.' he stutters before stumbling back to the castle, leaving me sat there, alone. Replaying his words in my head as my fingers brush my lips.

That didn't mean anything

It didn't even mean anything to him, I knew he didn't like me. Why did I listen to Ginny and Hermione? Now I'm sat here by the lake crying, again. I'm such a bloody idiot. I'm so gullible and stupid and idiotic and worthless and just urgh.

By now I'm sobbing and I can't risk anyone seeing me crying so I apparate to the kitchens

'Hello Miss Potter.'

'H-hi Libby.' I sob

'What's wrong Miss Potter?'

'Just boys Libby.'

'Could I get you anything Miss Potter?'

'Could I have three tubs of ice cream? One cookie dough, one chocolate and one double fudge brownie. Then could I have a bar of chocolate and five bottles of butter beer please.'

'Of course Miss Potter, right away Miss Potter.' And then she scuttles off to get everything I asked while I sit and sob.

After a few minutes she returns with a basket full off all the food and drinks I asked for 'Are you having a party Miss Potter?!' she askes and I sigh

'Sort of it's a party for one though.' I tell her but she doesn't seem to get my joke, not that it sounded very funny

'Well have fun Miss Potter.'

'Thanks Libby.' I say and then apparate to my bedroom and burst into and even bigger fit of sobs while opening the first ice cream tub. I'm already in comfy clothes, galaxy leggings and a teenage dirtbag sweater to be exact so I kick off my converse and sit on my bed, eating ice cream, crying while being wrapped in the blanket I was under down by the lake and the worst part is that the blanket smells like George which makes me cry harder but I can't bring myself to take it off. The scent seems to be absorbing me.

I open a bottle of butter beer and down it in one then open another one and do the same.

By the time I've finished all the butter beers and three tubs of ice cream it's almost 10 o'clock, I'm still crying and to make things even better someone knocks on the door

'Lottie?' They say and then knock again 'Lottie we know you're in there. Come on open up, it's me and Ginny.' that's when I know it's Hermione speaking. I compose myself enough to go over and open the door to see the faces of my two favourite girls who are smiling until they see my face and their faces drop. They rush in the room and see the mess of empty bottles and ice cream tubs then turn back to me

'What happened?' Ginny asks as the three of us sit down on my bed

'Your stupid brother and his feelings that don't exist.' I sob

'What?' Hermione asks and I tell them about our conversation by the lake

'And then he said 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. That didn't mean anything. It was just in the heat of the moment. I should... I should go. Just forget that even happened.' And he just got up and left.' I say and they look at me in sympathy which makes me a tad angry 'Stop, stop with the sympathetic looks. I don't need it, I just need to move on from him. It's a lost cause, he's never going to like me back.' I scowled them and they give me little nods

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